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Genomics is majorly impacting therapeutics development in medicine. This book contains up-to-date information on the use of genomics in the design and analysis of therapeutic clinical trials with a focus on novel approaches that provide a reliable basis for identifying which patients are most likely to benefit from each treatment. It is oriented to both clinical investigators and statisticians. For clinical investigators, it includes background information on clinical trial design and statistical analysis. For statisticians and others who want to go deeper, it covers state-of-the-art adaptive designs and the development and validation of probabilistic classifiers. The author describes the development and validation of prognostic and predictive biomarkers and their integration into clinical trials that establish their clinical utility for informing treatment decisions for future patients.


'This book will be a valuable resource to those involved in genomic clinical trials. The author touches on many of the important issues in this field and provides a useful selection of approaches to handling them.'

Matthew Schipper Source: International Statistical Review

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