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Many people question whether God is the source of morality. Under divine command theory, God's will creates the moral order, and therefore ethical truths are true because of God's will. Under natural law, on the other hand, some ethical truths do not depend on God's will, and yet perhaps they depend on his reason or creation. Ethics and Religion develops strong, defensible, and original versions of both divine command theory and natural law. The book also discusses ethics and atheism: how atheists object on ethical grounds to belief in God and how they view ethics. The book defends belief in God from criticisms and analyzes related concepts, such as practical reason, the golden rule, ethics and evolution, the problem of evil, and the fine-tuning argument.


'Harry J. Gensler has written an outstanding, critical and yet constructive work on the theological contribution to ethics. The book contains brilliant arguments that are developed with fairness, clarity, and precision. This is a must-read for anyone interested in ethical theory, value theory, or theology.'

Charles Taliaferro - St Olaf College, Minnesota

'Gensler has produced a novel and pragmatic piece of work on religion and ethics. He carefully combs though the various attempts that wed religion and ethics … for those who have commitments to Judeo-Christian ethics, other religious ethics, or to secular ethics, they will find Gensler’s treatment of ethics a much-needed ecumenical primer.'

Bernard Walker - Bethel University

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