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Essentials of Water Water in the Earth's Physical and Biological Environments


, University of Colorado Boulder
Published 2024


Water shapes the planet and all life upon it. Breaking down traditional disciplinary barriers, this accessible, holistic introduction to the role and importance of water in Earth's physical and biological environments assumes no prior knowledge. It provides the reader with a clear and coherent explanation of the unique properties of water and how these allow it to affect landscapes and underpin all life on Earth. Contemporary issues surrounding water quality – such as the rise of microplastics and climate change…

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Key features

  • Examines the role and importance of water in both the physical and biological environment in a multi-disciplinary framework
  • Provides all of the scientific and mathematical background for a full understanding of the properties of water and its effect on its surroundings, with clear and simple explanations
  • Makes no assumptions about students' prior knowledge by providing numerous examples, photographs, and illustrations to explain concepts
  • The book is very well suited for courses where a traditional physical hydrology or water policy textbook is not appropriate and/or too advanced and in-depth, providing the structure and organization that can be used to match course objectives for an introductory, basic course on water, and saving instructors' time

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Essentials of Water - Author Q&A

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