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  • Edited by Alexander Knapp, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Norman Solomon, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford
Cambridge University Press
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Ernest Bloch left his native Switzerland to settle in the United States in 1916. One of the great twentieth-century composers, he was influenced by a range of genres and styles - Jewish, American and Swiss - and his works reflect his lifelong struggle with his identity. Drawing on firsthand recollections of relatives and others who knew and worked with the composer, this collection is the most comprehensive study to date of Bloch's life, musical achievement and reception. Contributors present the latest research on Bloch's works and compositional practice, including studies of his Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service), violin pieces such as Nigun, the symphonic Schelomo, and the opera Macbeth. Setting the quality and significance of Bloch's output in its historical and cultural contexts, this book provides scholarly analyses as well as a full chronology, list of online resources, catalogue of published and unpublished works, and selected further reading.

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Select Bibliography

Compiled by Alexander Knapp

Although there are relatively few books (or chapters within books) devoted exclusively to the life and works of Ernest Bloch, dozens of Master’s dissertations and Doctoral theses have been written by university and conservatoire students, primarily in the United States and in Western Europe. Furthermore, hundreds of sets of programme notes and liner notes and thousands of articles have been published in journals, magazines, newspapers, recordings, etc., over the past hundred years. It would be impossible to include them all here. Therefore, in addition to incorporating all the works referred to in this book, emphasis has been placed upon listing further relevant writings by all the authors whose contributions form the substance of this volume.

Among the most comprehensive bibliographies on Bloch are the following:

Griffel, M. (1968) ‘Bibliography of Writings on Ernest Bloch’, Current Musicology, 6 (Spring), 142–6: 68 items.
Kushner, D. Z. (1988) Ernest Bloch: A Guide to Research (New York and London: Garland Publishing). After a short preface and a brief biography, Kushner’s Guide comprises 579 publications (covering nearly 200 pages), with a brief description of the content of each item. The latter part of the book consists of catalogues of unpublished and published works, and a discography; lists of archives, repositories, festivals, retrospectives, programme notes, awards and honours received by Bloch; and commentaries on the Ernest Bloch Award Competition and the Ernest Bloch Professorship (University of California at Berkeley). A series of eleven photographs is followed by an author index, index of proper names, index of compositions, and a subject index.
Kushner, D. Z. The Ernest Bloch Companion (Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 2002). Near the end of this book, Kushner provides a more up-to-date eleven-page bibliography, divided into the following categories: pamphlets, book chapters and articles by Ernest Bloch; programme notes by Bloch; books, dissertations, theses, booklets, pamphlets and catalogues by other authors; articles and reviews.
Lewinski, J. and Dijon, E. (1998–2005) Ernest Bloch: Sa vie et sa pensée, 4 vols. (Geneva: Editions Slatkine). Near the end of Volume 4 of this remarkable four-volume anthology of correspondence and other documentation, extending to over 3500 pages, there is a 23-page Bibliographie Générale which begins with a short introduction and continues with entries under the following categories: theses and treatises, books and pamphlets, articles in weekly reviews, in the Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin, and in daily newspapers. The section that follows the general bibliography is entitled Catalogue Générale des Oeuvres Publiées avec Bibliographie Selective, in which a specialised list of publications pertaining to each of Bloch’s published compositions is presented immediately after information concerning date of composition, location of manuscript, dedicatee, description of work, duration, first performances, press reviews, etc.
Móricz, K. (2008) Jewish Identities: Nationalism, Racism, and Utopianism in Twentieth-Century Music (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press). Móricz’s fifteen-page bibliography is presented in strictly alphabetical order of author, and covers the music of the Society for Jewish Folk Music and Schoenberg, as well as that of Bloch.
RILM (1992–2002) Abstracts of Music Literature, OCLC First Search: List of Records (76 entries)
Sendrey, A. (1951) Bibliography of Jewish Music (New York: Columbia University Press)
Thompson, K. (1973) A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Composers 1911–1971 (London: Faber & Faber), 5362. Short bibliographies are interspersed among many of the listed works.

The bibliography that covers the succeeding pages comprises some 500 entries listed in the following categories:

  1. 1. Published materials:

    • Ernest Bloch: articles, pamphlets, book chapters, programme notes, etc.

    • Writings by other authors: compositions,1 books, chapters in books, journal articles, dictionary entries, programme notes, etc.

  2. 2. Unpublished materials:

    • Theses and dissertations

    • Books, lectures, articles, letters, notes, musical notations

  3. 3. List of archives and collections

Published Materials

Ernest Bloch: Articles, Pamphlets, Book Chapters, Programme Notes, Etc.

America: An Epic Rhapsody, Boston Symphony Orchestra (21 December 1928)
Baal Shem Suite, Boston Symphony Orchestra (2 February 1951)
Commentary to Six Preludes for Organ (New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1950), 2
Commentary to Four Wedding Marches (New York: G. Schirmer, Inc., 1951), 3
Concerto Grosso [No. 1] for string orchestra with piano obbligato, Boston Symphony Orchestra (24 December 1925)
Deux Psaumes for soprano and orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra (14 November 1919)
‘Ernest Bloch’, in Morgenstern, S. (ed.), Composers on Music (New York: Pantheon Books, Inc., 1959), 413–14
‘Ernest Bloch’s Memorable Experience at an Eastside Synagogue Service [1918]: The Remarkable Vidui of the Famous Musician’, translated from the French by Charles Cushing, Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin No. 7 (Mill Valley, CA, 1974), 2; reprinted in Macy Nulman (ed.), Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy, 2/1, 1977–8 (New York: The Cantorial Council of America), 63–5
‘Ernest Bloch Surveys the Problem of Music Education’, Musical America, 28/4 (21 May 1921), 3, 40
Evocations, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra (11 February 1938)
‘Excerpts from an Introductory Lecture – University of California, Berkeley, August 1947’, Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin No. 9 (1976), 1–2
Four Episodes for chamber orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra (29 December 1927)
Gustave Mahler et la Deuxième Symphonie’, Courrier Musical, Paris, 7th year, 13 (1 July 1904), 408–11
Helvetia (premiere) (Boston, 20 March 1939)
Hiver-Printemps, Boston Symphony Orchestra (29 April 1921)
‘How and When to Begin Musical Training’, Musician, 29 (April 1924), 29
Israel Symphony, New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra (28–31 December 1944)
‘Les grands concerts’, in Courrier Musical (Paris, 15 March 1904), 189–91
Letter to Philip Hale, Boston Symphony Orchestra Program Notes (23–24 March 1917), 1132–6
Letter to Disciples of Alfred Steiglitz, Manuscripts, 4 (1922), 74
Letter to Lillian Hodgehead and Ada Clement, Ernest Bloch Collection, University of California, Berkeley (23 April 1925) (published in Móricz 1996, 211)
Letter to Nicolas Slonimsky, 31 December 1928 (see Gertrude Norman and Miriam Schrifte below)
Letter to Artur Rodzinsky (1892–1958), conductor of the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra, quoted by Olin Downes in ‘Mahler and Bloch’, New York Times (28 November 1943) II: 5
Letter to Olin Downes, 9 July 1954 (reproduced in Lewinski and Dijon 1998: I:77)
Letter to Olin Downes, reproduced in Olin Downes, ‘A Great Composer at 75’, in The Music of Ernest Bloch: A Program Manual. New York: National Jewish Music Council, 1956 (also New York Times, 24 July 1955)
Macbeth: Two Symphonic Interludes, Three Jewish Poems, America, Boston Symphony Orchestra (17 March 1939), 887–932
‘Man and Music’ (trans. W. Frank), The Seven Arts (March 1917), 493–502; reprinted in Musical Quarterly, 19/4 (October 1933), 374–81
‘Music II’, in A School in Action: A Symposium (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1922), 145–234
‘Musical Education’, in Women’s City Club Magazine (San Francisco, November 1927), 7–8
‘My Sacred Service’ (transcript of lecture: San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 16 September 1933), (1933b), in Bloch, S. and Heskes, I., Ernest Bloch: Creative Spirit (1976), 11–16
‘On the Interpretation of his music – Bloch to Szigeti’, in Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin No. 13 (1981), 2
Pensieri sulla vita e sull’arte’, in Rassegna Musicale (January 1932), 48–52
Program Note for the All Bloch Concert, 22 January 1933 (1933a), Rome: Augusteo; translated into Italian by Mary Tibaldi Chiesa; translated into English as quoted in Birch, J. N. (1939) Boston Symphony Orchestra Program Notes (17–18 March 1939), 890–3
Program Notes, Cleveland Orchestra, thirty-sixth season, 1953–4 (26 and 28 November 1953), 183–5
‘Proper Music Education’, in Women’s Forum (Akron, Ohio, 15 October 1922), 11
Quatrième Concert d’Abonnement’, in La Musique en Suisse (Neuchâtel, 1 January 1902), 106–7
Réponse à un siffleur’, in La Musique en Suisse (Neuchâtel, 1 November 1902), 53–6
Sacred Service (Avodath Hakodesh), Schola Cantorum, New York (11 April 1934), 6–13
Schelomo, Boston Symphony Orchestra (13 April 1923)
‘Securing the Best Results from Piano Study’, The Etude, 41/9 (September 1923), 591
Sinfonia Breve, BBC Symphony Orchestra (11 April 1953)
Sleeve note: Israel Symphony, Fritz Litschauer conducting the Vienna State Opera Orchestra and Soloists of the Akademie Choir, Vanguard Recording Society, Inc. New York, VRS 423
Sleeve note: Viola Suite [1919], Composers Recordings, Inc., CRI SD450 (1981)
‘Symphony in C Sharp Minor’, New York Philharmonic-Symphony Society (8 March 1918), 1–2
‘The Pitfalls of Memorizing’, The Musician, 28 (April 1923), 11–12
‘Thoughts at 70’, The Etude, 69/2 (February 1951), 9–10, 57
Trois Poèmes Juifs, Boston Symphony Orchestra (23 March 1917)
[Untitled manifesto in French, English and German] Musica Hebraica, 1–2 (Jerusalem, 1938), 12
‘Viola Suite’ [1919] Boston Symphony Orchestra (11 December 1925)
‘Violin Concerto’, Cleveland Orchestra (15 December 1938)
Voice in the Wilderness, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra (21 January 1937), 13–15
‘What Is Modern Music?’ Music Supervisors’ Journal (The National Association for Music Education), 10/4 (March 1924), 46–51

Writings by Other Authors: Compositions, Books, Chapters in Books, Journal Articles, Dictionary Entries, Programme Notes, Sleeve/Insert Notes, Etc.

Abel, E. (1990) ‘Receiving Mixed Signals’, Jerusalem Post, 12 October
Abramsky, S., Rothkoff, A., Hirschberg, H. Z., Roth, C. and Bayer, B. (1972) ‘Solomon’, in Roth, C. (ed.), Encyclopedia Judaica, 16 vols. (Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House), XV, cols. 96111
Allen, R. (2005) ‘H. S. Chamberlain and the Early Reception of Parsifal’, in Kinderman, W. and Syer, K. (eds.), A Companion to Wagner’s Parsifal (Rochester, NY: Camden House, Boydell & Brewer)
Anderson, R. (1980) ‘Record Reviews’, The Musical Times, 121/1651, 565
Anderson, W. R. (1936) ‘Wireless Notes’, The Musical Times, 77/1119, 424–5
Anon (nd) ‘Ernest Bloch Society: Israel’, Ernest Bloch Legacy,
Anon (1910) ‘Real Estate Transfers in County’, Newport Journal, 10 September
, (1922) The Union Prayerbook for Jewish Worship (Cincinnati: The Central Conference of American Rabbis)
Anon (1925) Ernest Bloch: Biography and Comment (San Francisco: The Margaret Mary Morgan Co.)
Anon (1928) ‘Triumphant and Onward’,3 Boston Evening Transcript, 22 December, 5
Anon (1934) ‘Interview with Great Jewish Composer – the Tragedy of “Wohin”’, The Jewish Chronicle, 9 February, 44–5
Anon (1934) ‘Ernest Bloch’s Sacred Service American Premiere’, News-Week, 21 April, 34
Anon (1941) ‘Music in the Making – Ernest Bloch’, Tempo, 5 August, 6
Anon (1942) ‘American Academy Cites Ernest Bloch’, The New York Times, 27 April, 19
Anon (1947) ‘Agate Beach Club Plans New Clubhouse’, Yaquina Bay News, 30 January
Anon (1947) ‘Ernest Bloch is Honored for His Chamber Music’, Yaquina Bay News, 26 June
Anon (1949) ‘Famed Sculptor Does Bloch Bust’, Newport News, 27 October
Anon (1957) The Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic Text: A New Translation with the Aid of Previous Versions and with Constant Consultation of Jewish Authorities (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America)
Anon (1959) ‘Obituary’, The Musical Times, 100/1399, 481–2
Anon (1980) The Spiritual and Artistic Odyssey of Ernest Bloch: A Centenary Retrospective (Charleston: Piccolo Spoleto Festival)
Anon (1990–2004 and 2006) Ernest Bloch Music Festival Programs (Newport, OR)
Anon (1992–2002) RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, OCLC First Search: List of Records (76 entries)
Anon (2009) The Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Program, 2–6 August
Anon (2012) Gramophone Classical Music Guide (London: Gramophone Magazine), 232–3
Arlen, W. (1966) ‘Research may give Bloch new image’, Los Angeles Times, 14 December
Aspertini, (1910) Le Théâtre, no. 282 (Paris: Manzi, Joyant et Cie.), 612
Augustine, (1950) Civitas dei. The City of God (New York: The Modern Library)
Avenari, H. (1972) ‘Shtayger’, in Roth, C. (ed.), Encyclopedia Judaica, 16 vols. (Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House), XIV, cols. 1463–6
Avidov, Z. (1972) ‘Geneva’, in Roth, C. (ed.), Encyclopedia Judaica, 16 vols. (Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House), VII, cols. 402–4
Baer, A. (1877) Ba’al T’fillah, oder Der Practische Vorbeter (Gothenburg: self-published)4
Bakhtin, M. M. (1981) The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by M. M. Bakhtin, ed. Holquist, M., trans. Emerson, C. and Holquist, M. (Austin: University of Texas Press)
Bar-Am, B. (1991) ‘Zecharia Plavin’s Wasted Talents’, Jerusalem Post, 19 December, 7
Barjansky, C. (1948) Portraits with Backgrounds (London: Geoffrey Bles)
Baruch, K (2002) ‘2996 Project, Remembering the Victims of 9/11’, Haaretz, 6 February
Barzun, J. (1938) Race: A Study in Modern Superstition (London: Methuen)
Bauer, M. (1941) ‘Ernest Bloch’, in Thompson, O. (ed.), Great Modern Composers (New York: Dodd, Mead, and Co.), 1026
Baylinson, D. (1980) ‘The Problem of Jewish Art’, The Spiritual and Artistic Odyssey of Ernest Bloch: A Centenary Retrospective (Charleston: Piccolo Spoleto Festival), 2830
Ben-Amos, D. and Mintz, J. K. (1970) In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov (Bloomington: Indiana University Press)
Ben-Ezer, E. (also known as Nidakh, S.) (nd) ‘Khadashot Ben-Ezer’ (‘Ben-Ezer News’)
Ben-Haim, P. (1958) Liturgical Cantata 1949 (Tel Aviv: Israel Music)
Ben-Sasson, H. H., ‘Israel Ben Eliezer Ba’al Shem Tov’, in Roth, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia Judaica, 16 vols. (Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House), IX, cols. 1049–52
Beregovski, M. (1962) Yevreiskiye Narodniye Pesny (Moscow: Sovietskii Kompozitor)
Bernstein, L. (1963) Kaddish Symphony 1962 (New York: Independent Music)
Bernstein, L. (1971) Mass, A Theater Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers (New York: Amberson Enterprises)
Bernstein, L. (1988) Missa Brevis (New York: Jalni Publications)
Bernstein, L. (1992) Bloch: Sacred Service, Sony Classical, Sony SM2K47533
Binder, A.W. (1952) ‘A Review of the Recording of Ernest Bloch’s “Israel Symphony”: An Analysis of the Jewish Thematic Material Employed’, The Musical Quarterly, 38/4, 647–51; reprinted in The Music of Ernest Bloch: A Program Manual (New York: National Jewish Music Council of the National Jewish Welfare Board, 1976), 36–40
Binder, A.W. (1959) Biblical Chant (New York: Sacred Music Press, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion)
Bloch Dimitroff, L. (1990) ‘Impressions of Ernest Bloch’, Ernest Bloch Music Festival Program, 14
Bloch, E[rnst], (1988) The Spirit of Utopia, trans. Nassar, Anthony (Stanford University Press)
Bloch, E[rnst], (2000) The Utopian Function of Art and Literature: Selected Essays, trans. Zipes, Jack and Mecklenburg, Frank (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).
Bloch, I. (1990) ‘Pater Familias’, Ernest Bloch Music Festival Program, 14–15
Bloch, S. (1969) Program Notes: Avodath Hakodesh at the Lincoln Center, 4 December, 1
Bloch, S. (1969) Program Notes: Avodath Hakodesh, 7 December
Bloch, S. (1971) ‘Bloch and His Crucifix: The Story’, Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin, No. 4 (Mill Valley, CA), 1–2
Bloch, S. (1986–7) ‘Portland’s Avodath Hakodesh’, Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin, Nos. 18–19 (Gualala), 26–8
Bloch, S. (1990) ‘The Jewish Cemetery at Langnau’, Ernest Bloch Society Bulletin, Nos. 21–22 (Gualala), 6–8
Bloch, S. and Heskes, I. (1976) Ernest Bloch: Creative Spirit: A Program Source Book (New York: Jewish Music Council of the National Jewish Welfare Board)
Bloch Smith, S. (1990) ‘Student and Teacher’, Ernest Bloch Music Festival Program (Newport, OR), 16
Bohlman, A. F. and Bohlman, P. V. (2012) Hanns Eisler – ‘In der Musik ist es anders’ (Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich)
Bohlman, P. V. (1986) ‘The Archives of the World Centre for Jewish Music in Palestine, 1936–40, in the Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem’, Yuval, 5, 238–64
Bohlman, P. V. (1990) ‘Ernest Bloch’s America (1926): Aesthetic Dimensions of a Swiss-American Auswandererbericht’, Yearbook of German-American Studies, 35–54
Bohlman, P. V. (1992) The World Centre for Jewish Music in Palestine 1936–1940: Jewish Musical Life on the Eve of World War II (Oxford: Clarendon Press)
Bohlman, P. V. (2003) ‘Sacred Popular Music of the Mediterranean and the Journey to Jerusalem’, in Plastino, G. (ed.) Mediterranean Mosaic: Popular Music and Global Sounds (New York: Routledge), 287306
Bohlman, P. V. (2011) ‘Rückkehr in die Zukunft – Die antike Moderne der jüdischen Musik’, in Celestini, F., Kokorz, G. and Johnson, J. (eds.), Musik in der Moderne (Vienna: Böhlau), 105–22
Bohlman, P. V. (2013) ‘Altneuland, Pfade in Utopia und Reise nach Jerusalem – musikalische Wegweiser zur Kanonisierung der jüdischen Geschichte’, in Wald-Fuhrmann, M. and Pietschmann, K. (eds.), Der Kanon in der Musik (Munich: Edition Text und Kritik), 657–75
Borchmeyer, D. (1991) Richard Wagner: Theory and Theatre, trans. Spencer, S. (Oxford: Clarendon Press)
Boscovic, A. U. (1937) ‘Kelet és Nyugat Között’ (‘Between East and West’),6 (Cluj: A Zsidó Diáksegélyzö Kiadása [Association of Jewish Youth])
Boulanger, N. (1921) ‘Concerts Colonne’, Le Monde Musical (Paris), 28 November
Breslaur, E. (1898) Sind originale Synagogen- und Volks-Melodien bei den Juden geschichtlich nachweisbar? Vortrag gehalten im Verein für jüdische Geschichte und Litteratur in Berlin (Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel)
Brody, E. (1982) ‘Romain Rolland and Ernest Bloch’, The Musical Quarterly, 68/1, 6079
Brome, V. (1979) Havelock Ellis: Philosopher of Sex: A Biography (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul)
Brotman, C. (1998) ‘The Winner Loses: Ernest Bloch and His America’, American Music, 16/4, 417–47
Brott, D. (1994) ‘The Message of King Solomon’, The Strad, 105/1249, 460–3
Buber, M. (1947/1985) Pfade in Utopia: Über Gemeinschaft und der Verwirklichung (Heidelberg: Verlag Lambert Schneider)
Buckle, R. (1963) Jacob Epstein Sculptor (London: Faber & Faber)
Calvocoressi, M. D (1933) ‘Ernest Bloch by Mary Tibaldi Chiesa’, The Musical Times, 74/1085, 610–11
Camner, J. (ed.) (1981) Great Composers in Historic Photographs: 244 Portraits from the 1860s to the 1960s (New York: Dover Publications)
Cantrell, B. (1980–1) ‘Book and Music reviews: Robert Strassburg, “Ernest Bloch: Voice in the Wilderness”’, Musica Judaica, III/1 (New York: American Society for Jewish Music)
Chamberlain, H. S. (1913) The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century [La Genèse du XIXme siècle], trans. into French by R. Godet, 2 vols. (Paris: Librairie Payot)
Chapman, E. (1934) ‘Ernest Bloch’, The Musical Times, 75/1092, 121–3
Chapman, E. (1955) ‘Ernest Bloch at 75’, Tempo, 1/35, 612
Chissell, J. (1943) ‘Style in Bloch’s Chamber Music’, Music & Letters, 24/1, 30–5
Clough, F. F. and Cuming, G. J. (eds.) (1952) The World’s Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music (London: Sidgwick and Jackson)
Cohen, A. (1937a) ‘Ernest Bloch’, Jewish Chronicle, November, 3–4
Cohen, A. (1937b) ‘A Note on the String Quartet of Ernest Bloch’, Musical Times, 78 (November,) 945–6
Cohen, A. (1938) ‘Ernest Bloch’s Macbeth’, Music & Letters, 19/2, 143–8
Cohen, F. L. (1902) ‘Cantillation’, in Singer, I. (ed.), The Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. III (New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Company), 537–49
Cohen, H. (1969) A Bundle of Time – The Memoirs of Harriet Cohen (London: Faber & Faber)
Cohon, B. J. (1950) ‘The Structure of the Synagogue Prayer-Chant’, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 3/1, 1732
Cooper, M. (1975) ‘Bloch’s Macbeth has Colourless Characters’, Daily Telegraph, 10 July, 13
Dahlgren, A. (2014) ‘Macbeth at Chicago Opera Theater Review: Bloch’s “Macbeth” yet another novelty found by COT’. Splash magazines.
Damrosch, W. (1942) ‘American Academy Cites Ernest Bloch’, New York Times, 27 April, 19
Davies, P. (2002) The Character of a Genius: Beethoven in Perspective (Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press)
Davis, R. (1985) ‘Songs of the Jews on the Island of Djerba: A Comparison between Two Surveys’, Musica Judaica, 7, 2333
Davis, R. (2005) ‘Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music: A Broadcasting Initiative in 1930s Palestine’, in Cooper, D. and Dawe, K. (eds.), Music of the Mediterranean: Critical Perspectives, Common Concerns, Cultural Differences (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press), 7996
Davis, R. (2013) Robert Lachmann’s Oriental Music Broadcasts, 1936–1937: A Musical Ethnography of Mandatory Palestine (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions)
Defoe, D. (1719) The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (London: W. Taylor)
DeNora, T. (1995) Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical Politics in Vienna, 1792–1803 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press)
Densmore, F. (1926) The American Indians and Their Music (New York: Woman’s Press)
Denton, S. (compiler) (1979) Ernest Bloch Archive (Tucson: University of Arizona Center for Creative Photography)
Downes, O. (1917) ‘Ernest Bloch, the Swiss Composer, on the Influence of Race in Composition’, The Musical Observer, 14/3, 11
Downes, O. (1942) ‘Ernest Bloch in the Academy’, New York Times, 3 May, section X, 7
Downes, O. (1947a) ‘Griller Quartet Plays Bloch Work’, New York Times, 27 February, 27
Downes, O. (1947b) ‘2nd Quartet Given in Bloch Festival’, New York Times, 16 November, 79
Downes, O. (1954) ‘World Première for Bloch Work’, New York Times, 29 July, 19
Downes, O. (1955) ‘A Great Composer at 75’, New York Times, 24 July, II: 7; reprinted in The Music of Ernest Bloch: A Program Manual (New York: National Jewish Music Council, 1956), 41–3
Dreyfus, E. (1925) ‘Erinnerung aus der Memoiren Eines Alten Endingers’, Section XVII: ‘Yom Kippur in den Altgemeinden – Die Alten Bräuche – Ein Musiktalent und seine Vererbung’, Israelitisches Wochenblatt für Die Schweiz, 2 (Zurich: Verlag Weinbaum Genossenschaft.)
Eisler, H. (2008) Hollywooder Liederbuch (correct reprint of the first edition; Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Musik)
Elkus, A. I. et al. (1962) Autograph Manuscripts of Ernest Bloch at the University of California (Berkeley: University of California)
Elleson, R. (2009) ‘Bloch’s Macbeth by UC Opera, London’, Opera Today, 30 March,
Ellis, H. (1919) ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, The Living Age, 15/745, 222
Ephros, G. (1975) Cantorial Anthology: Traditional and Modern Synagogue Music. Vol. III: Sholosh R’golim (New York: Bloch Publishing Co., copyright date 1948)
Ephros, G. (1977) Cantorial Anthology: Traditional and Modern Synagogue Music. Vol. VI: The Recitative (for Rosh Hashonoh) (New York: Bloch Publishing Co.)
Ernest Bloch Society Bulletins (1967–91) Nos. 1–23 (Portland, OR; Mill Valley and Gualala, California; Flint, Michigan; New York)7
Etkes, I. (2005) The Besht. Magician, Mystic, and Leader, trans. Sternberg, S. (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press)
Ewen, D. (1936) Composers of Today (New York: H. W. Wilson)
Fast, N. J., Heath, C. and Wu, G. (2009) ‘Common Ground and Cultural Prominence’, Psychological Science, 20/7, 904–11
Finkelstein, S. (1960) Composer and Nation: The Folk Heritage of Music (New York: International Publishers)
Finn, R. (1989) ‘At Long Last, It’s Time to Honor Ernest Bloch’, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 9 April
Fleg, E. (1928) Pourquoi je suis juif (Paris: Édition de France)
Fleg, E. (1929) Why I am a Jew [Pourquoi je suis juif], trans. from the French by Wise, L. W. (New York: Bloch Publishing)
Fleisher, R. J. (1997) Twenty Israeli Composers: Voices of a Culture (Detroit: Wayne State University Press)
Forbes, E. (1975) ‘In Concert: Macbeth’, Opera, 26/9 (September), 902, 904
Frank, A. (1952) ‘The Chamber Music of Ernest Bloch’, The Listener, 11 September
Frank, W. (1933) ‘Man and Music’, The Musical Quarterly, 19/4 (October)
Franzblau, A. N. (ed.) (1953–4) Out of Print Classics Series of Synagogue Music (New York: Sacred Music Press of the Hebrew Union College), vols. VII and XIV8
Freed, I. (1942) ‘Ernest Bloch’, Jewish Music Forum, 21 December, 8–11
Freed, I. (1958) Harmonizing the Jewish Modes (New York: Sacred Music Press, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion)
Fryer, P. (2009) A Chronology of Opera Performances at the Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg, 1860–1917 (New York: Edward Mellen Press)
Gatti, G. M. (1921) ‘Ernest Bloch’, trans. Baker, T., The Musical Quarterly, 7/1, 2038
Gilroy, P. (1993) The Black Atlantic (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)
Ginell, R. (2013) ‘Review: Ernest Bloch’s “Macbeth” a welcome treat by Long Beach Opera’, Los Angeles Times, 17 June
Ginzberg, L. (1902) ‘Ba’al Shem-Tob, Israel b. Eliezer’, in Singer, I. (ed.), The Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. II (New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Company), 383–6
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Unpublished Materials

Theses and Dissertations

Adams, F. C. (1955) ‘Structural Form and Analysis of Ernest Bloch’s Schelomo’, Master’s thesis, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Bals, K. E. (1982) ‘The American Piano Concerto in the Mid-twentieth Century’, DMA, University of Kansas
Blizzard, J. T. (1988) ‘A Performer’s Study of Selected Psalm Settings for Solo Voice with Piano or Organ Accompaniment by Howard Hanson, Carlisle Floyd, Ned Rorem, Leo Sowerby, Ernest Bloch (Psaume 22) and Edmund Rubbra’, DMA, DOC, Music, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Borthwick, S. J. (1994) ‘A Study of the Influence of Traditional Jewish Music on the Composer Ernest Bloch’, MA, City University, London
Defin, M. (1988) ‘La musique pour violoncelle d’Ernest Bloch’, Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Paris IV Sorbonne, UER de Musicologie
Dijon, E. (1997) ‘La tradition dans la musique d’Ernest Bloch (1880-1959): aspects historiques, esthétiques et stylistiques de l’oeuvre du compositeur’, Thèse de Doctorat de Musicologie, Paris IV
Fulton, A. (1953) ‘Ernest Bloch’s Sacred Service’, Master’s thesis, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Garlick, G. J. (1943) ‘The Viola Suite of Ernest Bloch’, Master’s thesis, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Grove, G. A. (1976) ‘The Life and Music of Ernest Bloch’, Master’s thesis, San José State University, California
Guibbory, Y. E. (1970) ‘Thematic Treatment in the String Quartets of Ernest Bloch’, PhD, West Virginia University
Heinrichs, W. L. (1953) ‘The Music of Ernest Bloch: A Critical Survey’, Master’s thesis, Texas Christian University
Hermann, H. A. (1963) ‘A Structural Analysis of the Sonata for Piano by Ernest Bloch’, DM document, Indiana University
Hwu, A. S. (1994) ‘A Stylistic Analysis of Selected Solo Piano Music of Ernest Bloch’, DMA Document, University of South Carolina
Jones, A. P. (1981) ‘A Historical Perspective and Survey of Performance-Practice Problems of Ernest Bloch’s Schelomo’, MMus, Brigham Young University
Jones, W. M. (1963) ‘The Music of Ernest Bloch’, PhD, Indiana University
Knapp, A. (2003) ‘The Emergence of Ernest Bloch as a “Jewish Composer”: Traditional Elements in the Published Works of the “Jewish Cycle”’, PhD, University of Cambridge
Kushner, D. Z. (1967) ‘Ernest Bloch and his Symphonic Works’, PhD, University of Michigan
Levy, R. (1979) ‘Avodath Hakodesh (Service Sacré): A Conductor’s Analysis for Performance’, DM, Indiana University
Minski, H. S. (1945) ‘Ernest Bloch and His Music’, PhD, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, TN
Móricz, K. (1999) ‘Jewish Nationalism in Twentieth-Century Art Music’, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Newborn, J. (1994) ‘“Work Makes Free”: The Hidden Cultural Meanings of the Holocaust’, PhD, University of Chicago
Nott, M. D. (1985) ‘Ernest Bloch’s Pedagogical Writings: A Didactic Legacy of Twentieth-Century America’, PhD, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Page, A. (1940) ‘The Style of Ernest Bloch as Approached Through a Study of Piano and Chamber Works’, MMus, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Plavin, Z. (1998) ‘Ha-Malkhin Ernest Blokh (1880–1959) ve-ha-hashvaah ben yetsirotav benot ha-kotar ha-yehudi le-ven eleh she-enan nos’ot kotar yehudi (kelaliyot), (‘Ernest Bloch [1880–1959] and a Comparative Analysis of his Jewish-titled and General Compositions’), PhD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Raditz, E. (1975) ‘The Analysis and Interpretation of the Violin and Piano Works of Ernest Bloch (1880–1959)’, PhD, New York University
Ross, S. L. (1956) ‘An Analysis of Ernest Bloch’s Treatment of Psalm 22, Psalm 114 and Psalm 137’, Master of Sacred Music, Union Theological Seminary, New York
Schiller, D. M. (1996) ‘Assimilating Jewish Music: Sacred Service, A Survivor from Warsaw, Kaddish’, PhD, University of Georgia
Sills, D. L. (1983) ‘The Viola Suite of Ernest Bloch’, DMA, Manhattan School of Music
Sorani, D. (1979) ‘Incontro con Ernest Bloch – Considerazioni su alcuni aspetti dell’opera cameristica’, Music History thesis, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Florence
Stirzaker (McCormick), K. E. (1992) ‘Structure and Form in Two Late Works for Flute and Orchestra by Ernest Bloch (1880–1959): Suite Modale (1956) and Two Last Poems (Maybe … ) (1958)’, DMA, University of North Texas
Weisser, A. (1980) ‘Jewish Music in Twentieth Century United States: Four Representative Figures’, DSM, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York
Wheeler, C. L. (1976) ‘The Solo Piano Music of Ernest Bloch’, DMA, University of Oregon

Books, Lectures, Articles, Letters, Notes, Musical Notations

Bloch, E., ‘Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service): Notes by E. B.’, Olin Downes Papers, Hargrett Rare Books and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia (no date)
Bloch, E., ‘Biographical Notes’, Bloch Archive, Library of Congress, Washington, DC (no date)
Bloch, E., ‘Causerie’, [lecture also known as ‘The Jewish Mind in Music’] Bloch Archive, Library of Congress (no date)
Bloch, E., Chants Juifs (85-page music manuscript book (no date) comprising transcriptions of most of the musical examples included in the Jewish Encyclopedia, Vols. 1–12)
Bloch, E., Letter to Albert Carré, trans. S. Bloch, 12 December 2008
Bloch, E., Letter to Ernest Chapman, 31 March 1955, Bloch Collection Alexander Knapp
Bloch, E., Letters to Edmond Fleg, Satigny, 16 July 1911 and 24 January 1912, Bloch Collection Alexander Knapp
Bloch, E., Letter to Hugo Kortschak, 8 September 1919, in Sills, D. L., ‘A Catalogue of the Works of Ernest Bloch’, (no date), 47
Bloch, E., Numerous letters from Alex Cohen to Albert Elkus, from Bloch to Elkus, from Bloch to Ada Clement and Lillian Hodgehead, from Bloch to Winifred Howe
Bloch, M. I., Hebräische Deutsche Chorale Gesänge: M. I. B: Gesangheft für Meier I. Bloch, manuscript book (1847), photocopy in Bloch Collection Alexander Knapp
Bloch, S., About Schelomo (single-page typescript: version 1, no date)
Bloch, S., About Schelomo (single-page typescript: version 2, no date)
Bloch, S., Letter to Alexander Knapp, New York, 15 July 1973
Bloch-Smith, S., Ernest Bloch: A Biography by his Daughter (unfinished typescript, no date)
Bryll, L., Transliteration of Hebrew prayer: Uv’khein ten pachdecha
Pinchback, L. A. (1995) Guide to Special Collections in the Music Division of the Library of Congress: Ernest Bloch Collection (Washington DC: Library of Congress)
Plavin, Z., Shuvo shel Ernest Bloch (‘The Return of Ernest Bloch’),14 monodrama for actor and musicians (Tel Aviv, no date)
Rinder, R., Manuscript of Hebrew Chant: Tzur Jisroel (1929?)
Sills, D. L., Ernest Bloch: The Forging of a Composer’s Style (lecture given at the Ernest Bloch Festival at Newport, Oregon, typescript, 3 July 1990)
Sills, D. L., An Artistic Nexus: Gustav Mahler and Ernest Bloch, Shippensburg University (typescript, no date)
Sills, D. L., A Catalogue of the Works of Ernest Bloch (typescript, no date)
Sills, D. L., A Comprehensive Catalog of the Works of Ernest Bloch (typescript, no date)
Sills, D. L., Printed Catalogue (typescript, no date)
Wohlberg, M., Illustrations for Lectures on Modes and Melodies of the Synagogue (manuscript: no place, no date)

Archives (Selected)

  • Alfren Pochon Collection, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, Lausanne

  • Archives Evelyn Hirsch, Geneva

  • Archives Littéraires Suisses, Bibliothèque Nationale Suisse, Berne

  • Archives Romain Rolland, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

  • Bibliothèque publique et universitaire, Geneva

  • Bloch Collection Alexander Knapp, London

  • Cleveland Institute of Music, Ohio

  • Eastman School of Music, Sibley Music Library, University of Rochester, New York

  • Ernest Bloch Archive, Library of Congress, Washington DC

  • Ernest Bloch Archive, Geneva Conservatoire

  • Ernest Bloch Archive, Lausanne Conservatoire

  • Ernest Bloch Archive, University of Arizona Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona

  • Ernest Bloch Papers, Hargrett Rare Books and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia, Athens

  • Harriet Cohen Papers, British Library, MS Mus. 1369, London

  • Havelock Ellis Papers, Vol. XXIX, British Library Add MS 70552: 1921–39, London

  • Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Tel Aviv

  • Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Jerusalem

  • Kol Ha-Muzika (‘Voice of Music’), Israel Radio

  • Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon

  • Moldenhauer Archives, Northwestern University Library, Evanston

  • Olin Downes Papers, Hargrett Rare Books and Manuscript Library, University of Georgia, Athens

  • The Robert Strassburg Collection of Ernest Bloch, Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida at Gainesville, Florida

  • The Swiss National Library, Berne

  • University of California at Berkeley, Bloch Collection, 01027

  • Verdina Shlonsky Archive, The National Library, Jerusalem


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