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Cambridge University Press
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August 2016
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Social Theory, Political Sociology, Politics and International Relations, Comparative Politics, Sociology
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For decades, expert bureaucrats have been moving regularly across borders, from their home institutions to international organizations, and forging collaborative networks with peers. Analyzing over twenty years of environmental and nuclear technology projects data for 150 countries, this book provides a comprehensive study of international cooperation among elite bureaucrats in developing states. An empirical study that will interest researchers, undergraduate, and graduate students of political and social sciences, this is the first book to explain the causes of transnational cooperation in the Global South and find a link between domestic level of skills and international cooperation. The author methodically illustrates how state experts with high skills can reap the benefits of international technical cooperation. In contrast, bureaucrats with low skills cannot forge stable collaborative ties with foreign peers and gain little from participating in these transgovernmental networks.


‘Environmental and Nuclear Networks in the Global South: How Skills Shape International Cooperation is an indispensable book for furthering our understanding of technocratic bureaucracies and transnational policy networks. It provides important contributions to comparative political economy, while reshaping the study of environmental and NEST cooperation in the Global South. Moreover, its research design offers an excellent example of scholarly work based on mixed methods by combining the qualitative evidence gathered in numerous in-depth elite interviews with the quantitative results generated by complex social network analysis.’

Maria Victoria Murillo - Columbia University, New York

‘Alcañiz goes behind the scenes of global policy-making and finds a vibrant space where bureaucrats cooperate to creatively solve problems. She argues persuasively - using sophisticated network analysis and well-chosen case studies - that this process also deepens global inequalities, as the bureaucrats are most closely networked with those with similar skills and resources levels.’

Kathryn Hochstetler - London School of Economics and Political Science

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