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East Asian International Relations Evolution and Social Construction


, George Mason University, Virginia
Published 2024


Through the outline of a coherent theoretical foundation for understanding East Asian international relations, this textbook offers a fresh, analytical approach, including applications of evolutionary theory that differ from and contextualize the prevailing theories currently offered for studies of East Asia. It provides an extensive coverage of ancient world order and European imperialism preceding contemporary themes of security, economic development, money and finance, regionalism, the US-China rivalry, and democracy versus autocracy. Demonstrating systemically how facts and theories are constructed, and…

New in this edition

• Provides an extensive coverage of ancient world order and European imperialism preceding contemporary themes of security, economic development, money and finance, regionalism, the US-China rivalry, and democracy versus autocracy

• Demonstrates systemically how facts and theories are constructed, and how these are bound by evolutionary constraints

• Students gain a realistic view of knowledge production and the mindset and tools to participate actively in determining which facts and theories are more acceptable than alternatives

• Feature boxes, discussion questions, exercises, and recommended readings are incorporated into each chapter to encourage active learning.

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Key features

  • Offers an up-to-date and coherent theoretical international relations framework to contextualise and aid student comprehension
  • Moves away from a US-centric approach by incorporating regional perspectives
  • Demonstrates how facts and theories are constructed to provide a realistic view of knowledge production
  • Highlights political economy, with chapters on economic growth strategies and the monetary and financial dimensions of East Asian international relations
  • Adopts an accessible writing style and pedagogical approach to promote appeal

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