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  • Cited by 103
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2010
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Online ISBN:
  • 46.99 (USD)
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Book description

This volume provides a developmental perspective of the regulation and dysregulation of emotion, in particular, how children learn about feelings and how they learn to deal with both positive and negative feelings. Emotion regulation involves the interaction of physical, behavioural and cognitive processes in response to changes in one's emotional state. The changes can be brought on by factors internal to the individual (e.g. biological) or external (e.g. other people). Featuring contributions from leading researchers in developmental psychopathology, the volume concentrates on theories and data concerning the development of emotion regulation with an emphasis on both intrapersonal and interpersonal processes. Original conceptualizations of the reciprocal influences among the various response systems - neurophysiological-biochemical, behavioral-expressive, and subjective-experiential - are provided, and the individual chapters address both normal and psychopathological forms of emotion regulation, particularly depression and aggression, from infancy through adolescence. This book will appeal to specialists in developmental, clinical and social psychology, psychiatry, education, and others interested in understanding the developmental processes involved in the regulation of emotion over the course of childhood.


" informative, for the most part well-written, account of how American children learn about emotions, and how they learn to deal with positive and negative emotions. It features interesting and attention-holding contributions from leading researchers who discuss recent theories, concepts, and findings regarding the origin of emotion regulation and dysregulation; therefore, appealing to professionals interested in how children are purported to regulate their emotional responses, how they learn to do so, what they regulate, why they regulate, and what may derail them from doing it effectively." Ralph B. Hupka, Contemporary Psychology

"This timely collection of articles will be indispensable to students and researchers in the area of social-emotional development. Chapters range from reports of empirical data to proposals of complex theoretical models, providing a thought-provoking blend of materials. All chapters are well-organized and skillfully written....Clinicians will be particularly interested in the `Psychopathology' section, as well as the chapters by Cicchetti, et al., and Garber, et al." Lisa Boyum, Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography

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