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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
April 2015
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Book description

The fully updated second edition of this popular handbook concisely summarises all current knowledge about delirium in critically ill patients and describes simple tools the bedside clinician can use to prevent, diagnose and manage delirium. Chapters discuss new developments in assessing risk and diagnosis, crucial discoveries regarding delirium and long-term cognitive outcomes, and dangers of sedation and death. Updated management advice reflects new evidence about antipsychotics and delirium. This book explains how to minimise the risks of delirium, drugs to avoid, drugs to use and when to use them, as well as current theories regarding pathophysiology, different motoric subtypes leading to missed diagnosis, and the adverse impact of delirium on patient outcomes. While there are still unanswered questions, this edition contains all the available answers. Illustrated with real-life case reports, Delirium in Critical Care is essential reading for trainees, consultants and nurses in the ICU and emergency department.


'Delirium in Critical Care is full of important information and relevant data, and the authors and the series editor should be congratulated on this excellent updated edition, an essential source of knowledge for perioperative and intensive care teams.'

G. Kunst Source: British Journal of Anesthesia

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Selected references

1. Lipowski ZJ. Delirium: Acute Confusional States. New York, Oxford University Press, 1990.
2. Inouye SK et al. Nurse recognition of delirium and its symptoms: comparison of nurse and researcher ratings. Archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161: 2467–73.
3. van Eijk MM et al. Comparison of delirium assessment tools in a mixed intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37: 1881–5.
4. Spronk PE et al. Occurrence of delirium is severely underestimated in the ICU during daily care. Intensive Care Medicine 2009; 35: 1276–80.
5. Grassi L et al. Depression or hypoactive delirium? A report of ciprofloxacin-induced mental disorder in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2001; 70: 58–9.
6. Dunn WF et al. Iatrogenic delirium and coma: a near miss. Chest 2008; 133: 1217–20.
7. Spiller JA and Keen JC. Hypoactive delirium: assessing the extent of the problem for inpatient specialist palliative care. Palliative Medicine 2006; 20: 17–23.
8. Angles EM et al. Risk factors for delirium after major trauma. American Journal of Surgery 2008; 196: 864–70.
9. Luetz A et al. Different assessment tools for intensive care unit delirium: which score to use. Critical Care Medicine 2010; 38: 409–18.
10. Coyle N et al. Delirium as a contributing factor to “crescendo” pain: three case reports. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1994; 9: 44–7.
11. Breitbart W and Alici Y. Agitation and delirium at the end of life: “we couldn’t manage him”. Journal of the American Medical Association 2008; 300: 2898–910.
12. Annas GJ. The last resort – the use of physical restraints in medical emergencies. New England Journal of Medicine 1999; 341: 1408–12.
13. Reddy S et al. Opioids masquerading as delirium in a patient with cancer pain and obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2008; 11: 1043–5.


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