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Cambridge University Press
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Business ethics teaching appears to have had little impact, particularly in the light of continued malpractice and misdemeanour in the form of financial scandals, environmental disasters and adverse consequences for communities. This timely book directly addresses a central question: is it that the existence of an ethical or an unethical climate influences behaviour, or, does the presence or absence of a moral character and personal values have the greatest influence on behaviour at work? Hemingway proposes four modes of individual moral commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability: the Active Corporate Social Entrepreneur, the Concealed Corporate Social Entrepreneur, the Conformist and the Disassociated. Hemingway posits that the Conformists represent the majority of people in organisations, adhering to the prevailing ethical climate, whatever that might be. However, it is the discovery of the corporate social entrepreneur which offers students and scholars a critical, alternative and optimistic perspective for the future of ethical business.


'Hemingway’s research aim is to understand generative mechanisms for the enterprising pursuit of socially responsible behaviour and provide evidence-based practice advice for increasing the inclusion of social value in business decision making. … Hemingway has guided the reader through scholarly concepts of moral character and has provided considerable insight into the personal characteristics of people who take the personal initiative to consistently behave in a socially responsible manner at work.'

Anne Dickson Source: Organization

'Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: Integrity Within is a personal book, and is perhaps the better for that. It puts the ‘integrity within’ of the title into the book itself and provides an example of the discourse and discussion that Hemingway sees as essential to effective CSR. The book is itself an example of active corporate social entrepreneurship, with Hemingway often setting out thepersonal journey and publication history through which the CSE concept went as it developed.'

Howard Harris Source: Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations

‘As we look towards the future of CSR, corporate social entrepreneurship (CSE) is assuredly on the cutting edge of growth and this book … makes a momentous contribution towards understanding its modes of realization. Eminently qualified, based on experience and scholarly background, Hemingway expertly crafts four modes of moral commitment which frame the range of manifestations of social entrepreneurship. Her interviews and research form a concrete empirical basis for her detailed descriptions of the interrelatedness of personal values (integrity within) and the supportiveness of the organization culture in which corporate social entrepreneurship grows. Her identification of the ascendency of the Active CSE as the richest ideal serves as a model for integrity in action. This is a must-read for all those interested in the future of CSR; this is a major contribution to both theory and practice.’

Archie B. Carroll - Professor Emeritus of Management, University of Georgia

‘This book combines insights from philosophy, psychology, empirical studies, and practical experience into an eloquent explanation about why people behave badly in business and why individual actors comprise the core of CSR. Practitioners and business students will find this book engaging and informative.’

Joanne B. Ciulla - Coston Family Chair in Leadership and Ethics, University of Richmond

‘For too long, management researchers have acted as if individual managers were irrelevant to our understanding of corporate social responsibility. Christine Hemingway offers a refreshing antidote to this myopia with a powerful account of what she calls 'CSR as a subjective state'. Weaving together theory and data on ethics, agency, entrepreneurship and personal values, she demonstrates beyond any doubt that micro-level analysis of CSR has a tremendous amount to offer the field.’

Andrew Crane - George R. Gardiner Professor of Business Ethics, York University

‘This book is long overdue. Corporate social entrepreneurship is the exciting new wave in understanding corporate social responsibility. To date, however, the buzz has been loud and the academic response muted. Hemingway fills this silence. She pushes the reader to see how corporate responsibility stretches far beyond the simple task of avoiding fines and scandals to include goals that spring from the self-transcendent values of employees.’

Thomas Donaldson - Mark O. Winkelman Endowed Professor, University of Pennsylvania

'Finally someone tells us that the artificial divide between CSR and ethics is just a big hoax. Dr Hemingway does so by exposing the reader to a challenging question: is a company 'good' because it is run by 'good' people? If you study, research or practice CSR - this is the book to read right now.’

Dirk Matten - Hewlett-Packard Chair in Corporate Social Responsibility, York University

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