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  • Cited by 5
  • 3rd edition
  • Roger Price, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2014
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This is the most up-to-date and comprehensive study of French history available ranging from the early middle ages to the present. Amongst its central themes are the relationships between state and society, the impact of war, competition for power, and the ways in which power has been used. Whilst taking full account of major figures such as Philip Augustus, Henri IV, Louis XIV, Napoleon and de Gaulle, it sets their activities within the broader context of changing economic and social structures and beliefs, and offers rich insights into the lives of ordinary men and women. This third edition has been substantially revised and includes a new chapter on contemporary France - a society and political system in crisis as a result of globalisation, rising unemployment, a failing educational system, growing social and racial tensions, corruption, the rise of the extreme right, and a widespread loss of confidence in political leaders.


Review of previous edition:'… coherent and eminently readable. It is a major - indeed unique - achievement.'

Source: The Times Higher Education Supplement

Review of previous edition:'… a remarkably succinct story.'

John Wright - BBC

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A short guide to further reading
Clout, H. D. (ed.), Themes in the Historical Geography of France. London, 1977.
Gildea, R., The Past in French History. London, 1994.
Jones, C., Paris: Biography of a City. London, 2006.
The Middle Ages
Allmand, C., The Hundred Years War. Cambridge, 1988
Allmand, C., (ed.), Power, Culture and Religion in France, 1350–1550. Woodbridge, 1989.
Baldwin, J., The Government of Philip Augustus. Berkeley, CA, 1991.
Baldwin, J., Paris, 1200. Stanford, CA, 2010.
Bisson, T. (ed.), Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe. Philadelphia, 1995.
Bouchard, C., ‘Strong of Body, Brave and Noble’: Chivalry and Society in Medieval France. Ithaca, NY, 1998.
Bull, M. (ed.), France in the Central Middle Ages. Oxford, 2002.
Duby, G., France in the Middle Ages 987–1460. London, 1991.
Dunbabin, J., France in the Making 843–1180. Oxford, 2000.
Gaposchkin, M., The Making of Saint Louis: Kingship, Sanctity, and Crusade in the Later Middle Ages. Ithaca, NY, 2008.
Grant, L., Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis: Church and State in Early Twelfth-Century France. London, 1998.
Hallam, E., and Everard, J., Capetian France 987–1328. London, 2001.
Pegg, M., A Most Holy War: The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom. Oxford, 2008.
Power, D., The Norman Frontier in the 12th and Early 13th Centuries. Cambridge, 2004.
Roux, S., Fiefs and Vassals: The Medieval Evidence Reinterpreted. Oxford, 1998.
Roux, S., Paris in the Middle Ages. Philadelphia, 2009.
Skoda, H., Medieval Violence: Physical Brutality in Northern France, 1270–1330. Oxford, 2013.
Sumption, J., The Hundred Years War, 3 vols. London, 1999–2009.
Early modern France
Beik, W., A Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France. Cambridge, 2009.
Bell, D., Lawyers and Citizens: The Making of a Political Elite in Old Regime France. Oxford, 1994.
Benedict, P., Cities and Social Change in Early Modern France. London, 1989.
Bergin, J., The Rise of Richelieu. London, 1991.
Bergin, J., Church, Society and Religious Change in France, 1580–1730. London, 2009.
Briggs, R., Communities of Belief: Cultural and Social Tensions in Early Modern France. Oxford, 1989.
Burke, P., The Fabrication of Louis XIV. London, 1992.
Campbell, P., Power and Politics in Old Regime France, 1720–45. London, 1996.
Censer, J., The French Press in the Age of the Enlightenment. London, 1994.
Collins, J., The State in Early Modern France. Cambridge, 1995.
Darnton, R., The Devil in the Holy Water, or the Art of Slander from Louis XIV to Napoleon. Philadelphia, 2010.
Davis, N. Z., Society and Culture in Early Modern France. Stanford, CA, 1975.
Dee, D., Expansion and Crisis in Louis XIV’s France: Franche-Comté and Absolute Monarchy, 1674–1715. Rochester, NY, 2009.
Dewald, J., Aristocratic Experience and the Origins of Modern Culture. Berkeley, CA, 1993.
Diefendorf, B., Beneath the Cross: Catholics and Huguenots in Sixteenth-Century Paris. New York, 1991.
Doyle, W., Venality: The Sale of Offices in Eighteenth-Century France. Oxford, 1996.
Greengrass, M., Governing Passions: Peace and Reform in the French Kingdom, 1576–85, Oxford, 2007.
Gruder, V., The Notables and the Nation: The Political Schooling of the French, 1787–88, Cambridge, MA, 2007.
Hardman, J., Overture to Revolution: The 1787 Assembly of Notables and the Crisis of France’s Old Regime. Oxford, 2010.
Hoffman, P., Growth in a Traditional Society: The French Countryside, 1450–1815. Princeton, NJ, 1996.
Holt, M., The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629. Cambridge, 1995.
Holt, M., (ed.), Renaissance and Reformation France. Oxford, 2002.
Hufton, O., The Poor in Eighteenth-Century France. Oxford, 1974.
Jones, C., The Great Nation: France from Louis XV to Napoleon. London, 2003.
Jones, P.Reform and Revolution in France: The Politics of Transition. Cambridge, 1995.
Knecht, R., The French Civil Wars, 1562–1598. London, 2000.
Knecht, R., The French Renaissance Court. London, 2008.
Lynn, J., The Wars of Louis XIV. London, 1999.
Major, J. R., From Renaissance Monarchy to Absolute Monarchy: French Kings, Nobles and Estates. Baltimore, 1994.
McManners, J., Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France, 2 vols. Oxford, 1998.
Parrott, D., Richelieu’s Army: War, Government and Society in France, 1624–42. Cambridge, 2001.
Pitts, V., Henri IV of France, Baltimore, 2012.
Potter, D., Renaissance France at War: Armies, Culture and Society, c.1480–1560, Woodbridge, 2008.
Ranum, O., The Fronde: A French Revolution, 1648–1652. New York, 1993.
Riley, J., The Seven Years War and the Old Regime in France: The Economic and Financial toll. Princeton, NJ, 1996.
Roche, D., A History of Everyday Things: The Birth of Consumption in France, 1600–1800. Cambridge, 2000.
Stone, B., The French Parlements and the Crisis of the Old Regime. Chapel Hill, NC, 1986.
Swann, J., Politics and the Parlement of Paris under Louis XV, 1754–74. Cambridge, 1995.
Swann, J., and Félix, J. (eds.), The Crisis of the Absolute Monarchy. Oxford, 2013.
Wolfe, M., The Conversion of Henri IV: Politics, Power, and Religious Belief in Early Modern France. Cambridge, MA, 1993.
Wood, J., The King’s Army: Warfare, Soldiers and Society during the Wars of Religion in France, 1562–1576. Cambridge, 1996.
Revolutionary and Napoleonic France
Alexander, R., Napoleon, London, 2001.
Andress, D., The Terror: Civil War in the French Revolution, London, 2006.
Aston, N., Religion and Revolution in France, 1780–1804. London, 2000.
Baczko, B., Ending the Terror: The French Revolution after Robespierre. Cambridge, 1994.
Brown, H., and Miller, J. (eds.), Taking Liberties: Problems of a New Order from the French Revolution to Napoleon. Manchester, 2002.
Campbell, P. (ed.), The Origins of the French Revolution. London, 2006.
Chickering, R., and Förster, S. (eds.), War in an Age of Revolution, 1775–1815. Cambridge, 2010.
Cobb, R., The Police and the People: French Popular Protest 1789–1820. Oxford, 1970.
Crook, M., Elections in the French Revolution. Cambridge, 1996.
Crook, M., (ed.), Revolutionary France, 1788–1880. Oxford, 2001.
Doyle, W., The Oxford History of the French Revolution. Oxford, 1989.
Doyle, W., The Origins of the French Revolution. Oxford, 1999.
Doyle, W., Aristocracy and Its Enemies in the Age of Revolution. Oxford, 2009.
Dwyer, P., and Forrest, A. (eds.), Napoleon and His Empire, 1804–14. London, 2007.
Fitzsimmons, M., The Night the Old Regime Ended: August 4 1789. Philadelphia, 2003.
Forrest, A., The Soldiers of the French Revolution. Durham, NC, 1990.
Forrest, A., Paris, the Provinces and the French Revolution. London, 2004.
Garrioch, D., The Making of Revolutionary Paris. Berkeley, CA, 2002.
Gough, H., The Terror in the French Revolution. London, 1998.
Jennings, J., Revolution and the Republic: A History of Political Thought in France since the 18th century. Cambridge, 2011.
Jones, P., The Peasantry in the French Revolution. Cambridge, 1988.
Lewis, G., and Lucas, C. (eds.), Beyond the Terror: Essays in French Regional and Social History, 1794–1815. Cambridge, 1983.
Lyons, M., France under the Directory. Cambridge, 1975.
Markoff, J., The Abolition of Feudalism: Peasants, Lords and Legislators in the French Revolution. Philadelphia, 1996.
McPhee, P., Living the French Revolution, London, 2006.
McPhee, P., Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life. London, 2012.
Popkin, J., Revolutionary News: The Press in France, 1789–99. Durham, NC, 1990.
Sutherland, D., The French Revolution and Empire: The Quest for a Civic Order. Oxford, 2003.
Tackett, T., Religion, Revolution, and Regional Culture in Eighteenth-Century France: The Ecclesiastical Oath of 1791. Princeton, NJ, 1986.
Tackett, T., Becoming a Revolutionary: The Deputies of the French National Assembly and the Emergence of a Revolutionary Culture, 1789–90. Philadelphia, 1996.
Tackett, T., When the King Took Flight. Cambridge, MA, 2004.
Woloch, I., The New Regime: Transformations of the French Civic Order, 1789–1820s. New York, 1994.
Woloch, I., Napoleon and His Collaborators: The Making of a Dictatorship. New York, 2001.
The nineteenth century
Agulhon, M., The Republican Experiment, 1848–52. Cambridge, 1983.
Collingham, H., The July Monarchy. London, 1988.
Gibson, R., A Social History of French Catholicism. London, 1989.
Harris, R., The Man on Devil’s Island: Alfred Dreyfus and the Affair that Divided France. London, 2010.
Harvey, D., Paris, Capital of modernity, London, 2005.
Hazareesingh, S., From Subject to Citizen: The Second Empire and the Emergence of French Democracy. Princeton, NJ, 1998.
Hazareesingh, S., (ed.), The Jacobin Legacy in Modern France: Essays in Honour of Vincent Wright. Oxford, 2002.
Hazareesingh, S., The Legend of Napoleon. London, 2005.
Heywood, C., The Development of the French Economy, 1750–1914. Cambridge, 1992.
Lehning, J., To Be a Citizen: The Political Culture of the Early Third Republic. Ithaca, NY, 2001.
Magraw, R., France 1815–1914: The Bourgeois Century. London, 1992.
Magraw, R., A History of the French Working Class, 2 vols. Oxford, 1992.
McMillan, J., France and Women 1789–1914: Gender, Society and Politics. London, 2000.
McMillan, J., (ed.), Modern France, 1880–2002. Oxford, 2003.
Pilbeam, P., Republicanism in Nineteenth-Century France. London, 1999.
Pinkney, D., The French Revolution of 1830. Princeton, NJ, 1972.
Porch, D., The March to the Marne: The French Army, 1871–1914. Cambridge, 1981.
Price, R., The French Second Republic: A Social History. Ithaca, NY, 1972.
Price, R., The Modernization of Rural France. London, 1983.
Price, R., A Social History of Nineteenth-Century France. London, 1987.
Price, R., The French Second Empire: An Anatomy of Political Power. Cambridge, 2001.
Price, R., People and Politics in France, 1848–1870. Cambridge, 2004.
Tombs, R., The War against Paris, 1871. Cambridge, 1981.
Tombs, R., France, 1814–1914. London, 1996.
Tombs, R., The Paris Commune, 1871. London, 1999.
Wawro, G., The Franco-Prussian War. Cambridge, 2003.
A time of crisis: 1914–1945
Adamthwaite, A., Grandeur and Misery: France’s Bid for Power in Europe 1914–40. London, 1995.
Becker, J.-J., The Great War and the French People. Oxford, 1986.
Bernard, P., and Dubief, H., The Decline of the Third Republic 1914–38. Cambridge, 1985.
Boyce, R. (ed.), French Foreign and Defence Policy 1918–40. London, 1998.
Cobb, M., The Resistance: The French Fight against the Nazis. London, 2009.
Diamond, H., Fleeing Hitler: France 1940. Oxford, 2007.
Dombrowski, N., France under Fire: German Invasion, Civilian Flight and Family Survival during World War II. Cambridge, 2012.
Gildea, R., Marianne in Chains: In Search of the German Occupation 1940–45. London, 2002.
Graham, B., Choice and Democratic Order: The French Socialist Party, 1937–50. Cambridge, 1994.
Horne, J. (ed.), State, Society and Mobilization during the First World War. Cambridge, 1997.
Jackson, J., The Popular Front in France: Defending Democracy, 1934–38. Cambridge, 1988.
Jackson, J., France: The Dark Years. Oxford, 2001.
Jackson, J., The Fall of France: The Nazi Invasion of 1940. Oxford, 2003.
Jackson, P., France and the Nazi Menace: Intelligence and Policy-Making 1933–39. Oxford, 2000.
Keiger, J., France and the Origins of the First World War. London, 1983.
Kedward, R., Resistance in Vichy France. Oxford, 1978.
Kedward, R., In Search of the Maquis: Rural Resistance in France. Oxford, 1993.
Martin, B., Years of Plenty, Years of Want: France and the Legacy of the Great War. DeKalb, IL, 2013.
Nord, P., France’s New Deal: From the Thirties to the Postwar Era. Princeton, NJ, 2010.
Passmore, K., From Liberalism to Fascism: The Right in a French Province, 1928–39. Cambridge, 1997.
Paxton, R., Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order. New York, 1982.
Prost, A., In the Wake of War: ‘Les Anciens Combattants’ and French Society. Oxford, 1992.
Rearick, C., The French in Love and War: Popular Culture in the Era of the World Wars. New Haven, CT, 1997.
Shennan, A., The Fall of France. London, 2000.
Sherman, D., The Construction of Memory in Interwar France. Chicago, 1999.
Smith, L., Audoin-Rouzeau, S., and Becker, A., France and the Great War, 1914–18. Cambridge, 2003.
Sweets, J., Choices in Vichy France: The French under Nazi Occupation. Oxford, 1986.
Vinen, R., The Unfree French: Life under the Occupation. London, 2006.
Wall, I., French Communism in the Era of Stalin. Westport, CT, 1983.
Reconstruction and renewal: the trente glorieuses
Bell, D., The French Communist Party in the Fifth Republic. Oxford, 1994.
Berstein, S., The Republic of de Gaulle, 1958–69. Cambridge, 1993.
Evans, M., Algeria: France’s Undeclared War. Oxford, 2011.
Fenby, J., The General: Charles de Gaulle and the France He Saved. London, 2010.
Gildea, R., France since 1945. Oxford, 1996.
Gordon, P., A Certain Idea of France: French Security Policy and the Gaullist Legacy. Princeton, NJ, 1993.
Gough, H., and Horne, J. (eds.), De Gaulle and Twentieth-Century France. London, 1994.
Hazareesingh, S., In the Shadow of the General: Modern France and the Myth of de Gaulle. Oxford, 2012.
Hewlett, N., Modern French Politics: Analysing Conflict and Consensus since 1945. Oxford, 1998.
Hitchcock, W., France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944–54. Chapel Hill, NC, 1998.
House, J., and Macmaster, N., Paris 1961: Algerians, State Terror, and Memory. Oxford, 2006.
Lorcin, P., Imperial Identities: Stereotyping, Prejudice and Race in Colonial Algeria. London, 1995.
Pulju, R., Women and Mass Consumer Society in Postwar France. Cambridge, 2011.
Rioux, J.-P., The Fourth Republic 1944–58. Cambridge, 1987.
Rioux, J-P., and Berstein, S., The Pompidou Years, 1969–74. Cambridge, 2000.
Talbot, J., The War without a Name: France in Algeria, 1954–62. New York, 1981.
Vinen, R., France, 1934–1970. London, 1996.
Wall, I., American Influence in France 1944–54. Cambridge, 1991.
A society under stress
Bell, D., and Criddle, B., The French Socialist Party: Emergence of a Party of Government. Oxford, 1987.
Cole, A., François Mitterrand: A Study in Political Leadership. London, 1994.
Daley, A. (ed.), The Mitterrand Era: Policy Alternatives and Political Mobilization in France. New York, 1996.
Drake, H., Contemporary France, London, 2011.
Elgie, R., Political Institutions in Contemporary France. Oxford, 2003.
Fenby, J., On the Brink: The Trouble with France. London, 2002.
Gaffney, J., French Presidentialism and the Election of 1995. Aldershot, 1997.
Gordon, P., and Meunier, S., The French Challenge: Adapting to Globalization. New York, 2001.
Jackson, J., Milne, A.-L., and Williams, J., May 68. Rethinking France’s Last Revolution. London, 2011.
Laughland, J., The Death of Politics: France under Mitterrand. London, 1994.
Goodliffe, G., The Resurgence of the Radical Right in France: From Boulangisme to the Front National. Cambridge, 2012.
Gregory, A., and Todd, U. (eds.), Women in Contemporary France. Oxford, 2000.
Hanley, D., Party, Society, Government: Republican Democracy in France. Oxford, 2002.
Keeler, J., and Schain, M. (eds.), Chirac’s Challenge: Liberalization, Europeanization and Malaise in France. London, 1996.
McMillan, J. (ed.), Modern France. Oxford, 2003.
Rosanvallon, P., The New Social Question: Rethinking the Welfare State. Princeton, NJ, 2000.
Ross, G., Hoffman, S., and Malzacher, S. (eds.), The Mitterrand Experiment: Continuity and Change in Modern France. Cambridge, 1987.
Sa’adah, A., Contemporary France: A Democratic Education. Oxford, 2003.
Simmons, H., The French National Front. Boulder, CO, 1996.


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