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Cambridge University Press
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August 2009
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Book description

Effective and capable clinicians need to develop strong interpersonal, intellectual and organisational abilities. This practical and accessible text explores clinical skills that are increasingly assessed in training, postgraduate examinations, continuing professional development programmes and reaccreditation appraisals. It is concerned with balancing the demands of the patient's life circumstances with lessons from empirical science and clinical experience. These skills help clinicians to put interventions together into effective treatment plans, and to develop strategies that facilitate recovery from mental illness. This book is written from a multidisciplinary perspective and it explores new ways of working. Although it is primarily addressed to psychiatrists, it is relevant to mental health nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and clinical psychologists.


Highly Commended at the BMA Book Awards 2009


'The book Clinical Skills in Psychiatric Treatment is a refreshing read. Rather than being full of statistics and treatment algorithms, it is reflective of decades of front-line clinical experience. It contains the authors' personal opinions on a wide variety of long-standing and accepted treatment interventions. Its primary focus in on working with patients to help them achieve recovery. … To my delight, this book, although effectively challenging some of my practice patterns also reinforced some of my own professional beliefs. Some may dismiss the ideas presented in this book as radical, but they would be missing an opportunity to truly consider how to approach each patient in an individualised manner.'

Source: Psychiatric Services

'This is an interesting, thoughtful and thought-provoking volume. One does not have to agree with all of the author's opinions and suggestions to appreciate the wealth of their clinical knowledge and wisdom of some of their recommendations. … this book contains a lot of interesting and important material for the development of good clinical skills and organisational abilities. I would recommend it to all clinically orientated psychiatrists and to psychiatric residents, in both cases, especially to those working in the community mental health setting.'

Source: American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists

'It provides guidance on an eclectic yet well chosen mix of principles and commonly encountered problems arising in clinical psychiatric practice. With its agreeable and often quirky prose, brief chapters and streamlined citations, this book is easy to pick up and quick to finish. … This book could be recommended for psychiatrists who have a firm grasp on basic principles of evaluation and treatment of patients, but would like advice on the real world dilemmas and pitfalls of everyday clinical work. True to its title, it emphasises clinical skill development and shares an abundance of wisdom based upon the real world of psychiatric practice. With a forthright and frankly honest voice, the authors succeed in conjuring up the sense that one is turning to a seasoned mentor for advice.'

Source: Doody's

'I enjoyed reading this book and have learnt from it. Its messages of respecting individuality, treating with care, and getting the basics right seem important and it is refreshing to see them given such emphasis. I would strongly recommend it to any psychiatrist, but also to other professions in mental health care and to patients and their families as its core principles can inform us all.'

Source: Journal of Psychosomatic Research

'The reason this book works is that it feels like a series of expert clinical supervisions on the topics that are rarely discussed in textbooks but which actually comprise the majority of day-to-day work. … the aim of this book is not to give the definitive management plan for a particular case example but to illuminate the processes involved in making clinical decisions. It is clearly and logically set out and written with sufficient humour to make it an easy read. I would recommend the book to more experienced trainees or newly appointed consultants.'

Source: Psychological Medicine

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