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  • Cited by 8
  • Volume 8: Poetry and Criticism, 1940–1995
  • Edited by Sacvan Bercovitch, Harvard University, Massachusetts
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2008
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The Cambridge History of American Literature addresses the broad spectrum of new and established directions in all branches of American writing, and includes the work of scholars and critics who have shaped, and who continue to shape, what has become a major area of literary scholarship. The authors span three decades of achievement in Americanist literary criticism, thereby speaking for the continuities as well as the disruptions sustained between generations of scholarship. Generously proportioned narratives permit a broader vision of American literary history than has previously been possible, allowing the implicit voice of traditional criticism to join forces with the diversity of interests that characterise contemporary literary studies. Volume VIII, concerned with works of poetry and criticism written between 1940 and the present, brings together two different sets of materials and narrative forms, the aesthetic and the institutional. Discarding the traditional synoptic overview of major figures, von Hallberg, Graff, and Carton settle in favour of a history from the inside - a history of interstices and relations, equal to the task of considering the contexts of art, power, and criticism in which it is set.


'… this is, without doubt and without any serious rival, the scholarly history for our generation.'

Source: Journal of American Studies

‘… vast and eminently readable survey of twentieth century American literature …’.

Source: Use of English

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