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  • Volume 5: Poetry and Criticism, 1900–1950
  • Edited by Sacvan Bercovitch, Harvard University, Massachusetts
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2008
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This is the fullest account to date of American poetry and literary criticism in the Modernist period. Andrew Dubois and Frank Lentricchia examine the work of Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and Wallace Stevens. They show how the conditions of literary production in a democratic, market-driven society forced the boldest of the Modernists to try to reconcile their need for commercial remuneration with their knowledge that their commitment to high art might never pay. Irene Ramalho Santos broadens the scope of the poetic scene through attention to a wide diversity of writers - with special emphasis on writers including Gertrude Stein, Marianne Moore, and Langston Hughes. William Cain traces both the rise of an internationalist academic aesthetics and the process by which the study of a distinctive national literature was instituted. Considered together, these three narratives convey the astonishing Modernist poetic achievement in its full cultural, institutional, and aesthetic complexity.


'… this is, without doubt and without any serious rival, the scholarly history for our generation.'

Source: Journal of American Studies

‘… vast and eminently readable survey of twentieth century American literature …’.

Source: Use of English

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