- Cited by 9
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Cohon, Rachel 2013. The International Encyclopedia of Ethics.
Shand, John 2016. The Cambridge Companion to Hume's Treatise. The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 66, Issue. 265, p. 887.
Merrill, Thomas W. 2016. Investigating Morality with David Hume. Polity, Vol. 48, Issue. 1, p. 82.
Towsey, Mark 2019. Reading History in Britain and America, c.1750–c.1840.
Lebow, Richard Ned 2020. Reason and Cause.
Cohon, Rachel 2021. The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. p. 1.
Fathtaheri, Ali and Mohammadi Moghanloei, Hamid 2023. A Critical Exposition of the Concept of Hume’s Substance and Its Impact on Kant’s Theory of Knowledge. Metaphysical Investigations, Vol. 4, Issue. 7, p. 195.
Santos Castro, Juan Samuel 2023. Escepticismo y facciones políticas en los ensayos de David Hume. Ideas y Valores, Vol. 72, Issue. ,
Balistreri, Maurizio 2024. Ethics of Extinction: Humean Sentimentalism and the Value of the Human Species. Topoi, Vol. 43, Issue. 1, p. 55.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- May 2009
- Print publication year:
- 2008
- Online ISBN:
- 9781139001991