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Book description

The emergence of EU Private Law as an independent legal discipline is one of the most significant developments in European legal scholarship in recent times. In this 2010 Companion, leading scholars provide a critical introduction to the subject's key areas, while offering original and thought-provoking comment on the field. In addition to several chapters on consumer law topics, the collection has individual chapters on commercial contracts, competition law, non-discrimination law, financial services and travel law. It also discusses the wider issues concerning EU Private Law, such as its historical evolution, the role of comparative law, language and terminology, as well as the implications of the Common Frame of Reference project. A useful 'scene-setting' introduction and further reading arranged thematically make this important publication the student's and scholar's first port of call when exploring the field.


'The very appearance of a publication of this sort is indeed a coming-of-age moment for a discipline whose existence was hard to fathom until the 1980s. … Diligent readers will be rewarded by the richness of the resulting picture …'

Source: EUSA Review

'The authors have provided a critical introduction to the key areas of European private law. In choosing the topics, finding the authors and editing the chapters, Twigg-Flesner has performed a great and important work. The chapters are well chosen, clear and well written. It is also an excellent textbook for students.'

Ole Lando Source: Common Market Law Review

'The Companion pays close attention to many of the subject’s key dimensions - from the historical (Heirbaut and Storme) and comparative (Smit) to conflict of laws (Muir-Watt) and competence (Weatherill), through a treatment of the role of language (Dannemann, Ferreri and Graziadei) and Directives (Johnston and Unberath), followed by an account of the role of the ECJ (Stuyck) and of various types of harmonisation instruments (Beale on the Draft Common Frame of Reference; Schulte-Nölke on optional instruments).'

Leone Niglia Source: European Law Review

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Further reading
European private law in general
Bussani, M. and Mattei, U. (eds.), The Common Core of European Private Law (The Hague: Kluwer, 2003).
Cafaggi, F. (ed.), The Institutional Framework of European Private Law, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, vol. XV/2 (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Cafaggi, F. and Muir-Watt, H., Making European Private Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008).
Cafaggi, F. and Muir-Watt, H., The Regulatory Function of European Private Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009).
Collins, H., The European Civil Code – The Way Forward (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Grundmann, S. (ed.), Constitutional Values and European Contract Law (The Hague, Kluwer, 2008).
Hartkamp, A., Hesselink, M., Hondius, E., Joustra, C., Perron, E. du and Veldman, M., Towards a European Civil Code, 3rd edn. (Nijmegen: Ars Aequi, 2004).
Hoecke, M, van and Ost, F., The Harmonisation of European Private Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2000).
Legrand, P., ‘Against a European Civil Code’, Modern Law Review, 60 (1997), 44.
Twigg-Flesner, C., The Europeanisation of Contract Law (Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2008).
Weatherill, S., EU Consumer Law and Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005).
Wilhelmsson, T., Paunio, E. and Pohjolainen, A. (eds.), Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe (The Hague: Kluwer, 2007).
Zimmermann, R., The Law of Obligations. The Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (Oxford University Press, 1996).
Zimmermann, R., Roman Law, Contemporary Law, European Law. The Civilian Tradition Today (Oxford University Press, 2001).
History of European private law
Bellomo, M., The Common Legal Past of Europe (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1995).
Berman, H., Law and Revolution, 2 vols. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983–2003).
Cappelletti, M. (ed.), New Perspectives for a Common Law of Europe (Leyden: Sijthof, 1978).
Cavanna, A., Storia del diritto moderno in Europa. Le fonti e il pensiero giuridico, 2 vols. (Milan: Giuffrè, 1982–2005).
Coing, H. (ed.), Handbuch der Quellen und Literatur der neueren Europäischen Privatrechtsgeschichte, 8 vols. (Munich: Beck, 1973–87).
Coing, H., Europäisches Privatrecht, 2 vols. (Munich: Beck, 1985–9).
Gaudemet, J., Les naissances du droit. Le temps, le pouvoir et la science au service du droit (Paris: Montchrestien, 1997).
Gordley, J., The Philosophical Origins of Modern Contract Doctrine (Oxford: Clarendon, 1991).
Halpérin, J-L., Histoire des droits en Europe de 1750 à nos jours (Paris: Flammarion, 2004).
Hamza, G., Wege der Entwicklung des Privatrechts in Europa (Passau: Schenk, 2008).
Hattenhauer, H., Europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Heidelberg: Müller, 2004).
Heirbaut, D., Privaatrechtsgeschiedenis van de Romeinen tot heden (Gent: Academia Press, 2005).
Hespanha, A., Cultura jurídica Europeia. Síntese de um milénio (Florianópolis: Fundação Boiteux, 2005).
Kelly, J., A Short History of Western Legal Theory (Oxford: Clarendon, 1992).
Kleinheyer, G. and Schröder, J., Deutsche und Europäische Juristen aus neun Jahrhunderten (Heidelberg: Müller, 2008).
Koschaker, P., Europa und das Römische Recht (Munich: Beck, 1966).
Lange, H. and Kriechbaum, M., Römisches Recht im Mittelalter, 2 vols. (Munich: Beck, 1997–2007).
Lesaffer, R., European Legal History. A Cultural and Political Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Lokin, J. and Zwalve, W., Hoofdstukken uit de Europese codificatiegeschiedenis (The Hague: Boom, 2006).
Merryman, J., The Civil Law Tradition (Stanford University Press, 1969).
Øyrehagen Sunde, J., Speculum legale-Rettsspegelen: ein introduksjon til den norske rettskulturen si historie i eit europeisk perspektiv (Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2005).
Padoa Schioppa, A., Storia del diritto in Europa dal medioevo all’età contemporanea (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007).
Ranieri, F., Europäisches Obligationenrecht. Ein Handbuch mit Texten und Materialien (Vienna: Springer, 2009).
Robinson, O., Fergus, T. and Gordon, W., European Legal History. Sources and Institutions (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Schlosser, H., Grundzüge der Neueren Privatrechtsgeschichte (Heidelberg: C. F. Müller, 2005).
Schröder, J., Recht als Wissenschaft. Geschichte der juristischen Methode vom Humanismus bis zur historischen Schule (1500–1850) (Munich: Beck, 2001).
Stein, P., Roman Law in European History (Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Stolleis, M., Juristen. Ein biographisches Lexikon von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert (Munich: Beck, 2001).
Strömholm, S., L’Europe et le droit (Paris: PUF, 2002).
Study Group on a European Civil Code and Research Group on Existing EC Private Law, Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law. Draft Common Frame of Reference (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Tamm, D., Retshistorie. Danmark – Europa – globale perspektiver (Copenhagen: DJØF, 2005).
Van Caenegem, R., An Historical Introduction to Private Law (Cambridge University Press, 1992).
Van Caenegem, R., Judges, Legislators and Professors. Chapters in European Legal History (Cambridge University Press, 1992).
Van Caenegem, R., European Law in the Past and the Future. Unity and Diversity over Two Milennia (Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Villey, M., La formation de la pensée juridique moderne (Paris: PUF, 2006).
Watson, A., The Evolution of Western Private Law (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001).
Wesenberg, G. and Wesener, G., Neuere deutsche Privatrechtsgeschichte im Rahmen der europaischen Rechtsentwicklung (Vienna: Böhlau, 1985).
Wieacker, F., A History of Private Law in Europe (Oxford: Clarendon, 1996).
Zimmermann, R., The Law of Obligations. The Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (Oxford University Press, 1996).
Zimmermann, R., Roman Law, Contemporary Law, European Law. The Civilian Tradition Today (Oxford University Press, 2001).
Zweigert, K. and Kötz, H., An Introduction to Comparative Law (Oxford University Press, 1998).
Comparative law
Gerven, W. van, ‘Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe; Presentation of the Project’, European Review of Private Law, 4 (1996), 67–70.
Gordley, J., ‘Comparative Legal Research: its Function in the Development of Harmonized Law’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 43 (1995), 555–67.
Jansen, N., ‘European Civil Code’, in Smits, J. M. (ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006), 247–58.
Lenaerts, K., ‘Interlocking Legal Orders in the European Union and Comparative Law’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 52 (2003), 873–906.
Mensbrugghe, F. van der (ed.), L’utilisation de la méthode comparative en droit européen (Namur: Presses Universitaires de Namur, 2003).
Smits, J., ‘European Private Law: A Plea for a Spontaneous Legal Order’, in Curtin, D. M. et al., European Integration and Law (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2006), 55–107.
Smits, J. M., ‘Convergence of Private Law in Europe: Towards a New Ius Commune?’, in Örücü, E. and Nelken, D. (eds.), Comparative Law: A Handbook (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007), 219–40.
Zweigert, K. and Kötz, H., An Introduction to Comparative Law (Oxford University Press, 1998).
Cafaggi, F. (ed.), The Institutional Framework of European Private Law, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, vol. XV/2 (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Collins, H., The European Civil Code – the Way Forward (Cambridge University Press, 2008).
Heiderhoff, B. and Kenny, M., ‘The Commission’s 2007 Green Paper on the Consumer Acquis: Deliberate Deliberation?’, European Law Review, 32 (2007), 740–51.
Hesselink, M., ‘European Contract Law: a Matter of Consumer Protection, Citizenship, or Justice?’, European Review of Private Law, 15 (2007), 323–48.
Karsten, J. and Petri, G., ‘Towards a Handbook on European Contract Law and Beyond’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 28 (2005), 31–51.
Reich, N., ‘A European Contract Law: Ghost of Host for Integration?’, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 24 (2006), 425–70.
Reich, N., ‘Crisis or Future of European Consumer Law?’, Yearbook of Consumer Law, (2009), 1–68.
Reich, N., Micklitz, H. and Weatherill, S., ‘EU Treaty Revision and Consumer Protection’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 27 (2004), 367–99.
Rutgers, J. and Sefton-Green, R., ‘Revising the Consumer Acquis: (Half) Opening the Doors of the Trojan Horse’, European Review of Private Law, 16 (2008), 427–42.
Twigg-Flesner, C., ‘No Sense of Purpose or Direction? The Modernization of European Consumer Law’, European Review of Contract Law, 3 (2007), 198–213.
Vogenauer, S. and Weatherill, S. (eds.), Harmonisation of European Contract Law: Implications for European Private Laws, Business and Legal Practice (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006).
Weatherill, S., EU Consumer Law and Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005).
Language and terminology
Ajani, G., and Ebers, M. (eds.), Uniform Terminology for European Contract law (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005).
Ajani, G., Peruginelli, G., Sartor, G. and Tiscornia, D., The Multilanguage Complexity of European Law – Methodologies in Comparison (Florence: European Press Academic Publishing, 2007).
Creech, R. L., Law and Language in the European Union: The Paradox of a Babel ‘United in Diversity’ (Groningen: Europa Publishing, 2005).
Pozzo, B., ‘Harmonisation of European Contract Law and the Need for Creating a Common Terminology’, European Review of Private Law, 11 (2003), 754.
Pozzo, B., and Jacometti, V. (eds.), Multilingualism and the Harmonisation of European Law (The Hague: Kluwer, 2006).
Bar, C. von, Clive, E. and Schulte-Nölke, H. (eds.), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), outline edn. (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Dougan, M., ‘Minimum Harmonisation and the Internal Market’, Common Market Law Review, 37 (2000), 853.
Gerken, L., Rieble, V., Roth, G. H., Stein, H. and Streinz, R., ‘Mangold’ als ausbrechender Rechtsakt (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Howells, G. and Schulze, R. (eds.), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Johnston, A., ‘Instances and Analysis of Feedback in the Loop-flow between EC Law and National Private law: Some Tentative Insights for Comparative and European Community Lawyers’, in Remien, O. (ed.), Schuldrechtsmodernisierung und Europäisches Vertragsrecht (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008).
Johnston, A. and Unberath, H., ‘Law at, to or from the Centre? The European Court of Justice and the Harmonization of Private Law in the European Union’, in Cafaggi, F. (ed.), The Institutional Framework of European Private Law (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Jud, B. et al., ‘Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights – an Academic Position Paper’, Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht, 2009, 68.
Lando, O. and Beale, H. (eds.), Principles of European Contract Law, Part I (1995); Principles of European Contract Law, Parts I and II (2000); Lando, O. et al. (eds.), Principles of European Contract Law, Part III (The Hague: Kluwer, 2003).
Markesinis, B., Unberath, H. and Johnston, A., The German Law of Contract: A Comparative Treatise (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006).
Nihoul, P., ‘The Status of Consumers in EC Liberalisation Directives’, Yearbook of Consumer Law, 3 (2009), 67.
Schulte-Nölke, H., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Ebers, M. (eds.), EC Consumer Law Compendium – The Consumer Acquis and its Transposition in the Member States (Munich: Sellier, 2008).
Slot, P. J., ‘Harmonisation’, European Law Review, 21 (1996), 378.
Tonner, K. and Tamm, M., ‘Der Vorschlag einer Richtlinie über Rechte der Verbraucher und seine Auswirkungen auf das nationale Verbraucherrecht’, Juristenzeitung, (2009), 277.
Unberath, H. and Johnston, A., ‘The Double-headed Approach of the ECJ Concerning Consumer Protection’, Common Market Law Review, 44 (2007), 1237.
UNIDROIT (ed.), Principles of International Commercial Contracts (Rome: UNIDROIT, 2004).
Zimmermann, R., ‘The Present State of European Private Law’, American Journal of Comparative Law, 57 (2009), 479.
European contract law
Beale, H., ‘The Future of the Common Frame of Reference’, European Review of Contract Law 3 (2007), 257.
Grundmann, S. and Schauer, M. (eds.), The Architecture of European Codes and Contract Law (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2006).
Grundmann, S. and Stuyck, J. (eds.), An Academic Green Paper on European Contract Law (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002).
Lando, O. and Beale, H. (eds.), Principles of European Contract Law, Part I (1995); Principles of European Contract Law, Parts I and II (2000); Lando, O. et al. (eds.), Principles of European Contract Law, Part III (The Hague: Kluwer, 2003).
Smits, J. (ed.), The Need for a European Contract Law (Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, 2005).
Study Group on a European Civil Code and Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law, Draft Common Frame of Reference, outline edn. (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Twigg-Flesner, C., The Europeanisation of Contract Law (Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2008), especially chs. 5 and 6.
The consumer acquis
Howells, G. and Schulze, R. (eds.), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Howells, G. and Wilhelmsson, T., EC Consumer Law (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997).
Micklitz, H. W., Reich, N. and Rott, P., Understanding EU Consumer Law (Antwerp: Intersentia 2009).
Reich, N., ‘A European Contract Law, or an EU Contract Law Regulation for Consumers?Journal of Consumer Policy, 28 (2005), 383.
Schulte-Nölke, H., ‘EC Law on the Formation of Contract – from the Common Frame of Reference to the “Blue Button”’, European Review of Contract Law, 3 (2007), 332.
Schulte-Nölke, H., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Ebers, M., EC Consumer Law Compendium (Munich: Sellier, 2008).
Twigg-Flesner, C., The Europeanisation of Contract Law (Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2008).
Weatherill, S., EU Consumer Law and Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005).
European tort law
Bar, C. von, The Common European Law of Torts, vol. 1 (Oxford University Press, 1998).
Bar, C. von, The Common European Law of Torts, vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 2000).
Boom, W. H. van, Koziol, H. and Witting, C. A. (eds.), Pure Economic Loss (Vienna: Springer, 2004).
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Reimann, M., ‘Product Liability in a Global Context: the Hollow Victory of the European Model’, European Review of Private Law, 11 (2004), 128–54.
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Withdrawal and pre-contractual information
Howells, G., Janssen, A. and Schulze, R., Information Rights and Obligations. A Challenge for Party Autonomy and Transactional Fairness (Aldershot: Ashgate 2004).
Micklitz, H. W., Reich, N. and Rott, P., Understanding EU Consumer Law (Antwerp: Intersentia 2009).
Rekaiti, P. and van den Bergh, R.Cooling-off Periods in the Consumer Laws of the EC Member States. A Comparative Law and Economics Approach’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 23 (2000), 371.
Schulze, R. (ed.), Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, 2nd edn. (Munich: Sellier, 2009).
Schulte-Nölke, H., Twigg-Flesner, C. and Ebers, M. (eds.), EC Consumer Law Compendium (Munich: Sellier, 2008).
Twigg-Flesner, C., The Europeanisation of Contract Law (Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2008).
Unfair terms
Klauer, I., ‘General Clauses in European Private Law and “Stricter” National Standards: the Unfair Terms Directive’, European Review of Private Law, 8(1) (2000), 187–210.
Lando, O., ‘Liberal, Social and “Ethical” Justice in European Contract Law’, Common Market Law Review, 43(3) (2006), 817–33.
Nebbia, P., Unfair Terms in Europe. A Study in EC and Comparative Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006).
Schillig, M., ‘Inequality of Bargaining Power versus Market for Lemons: Legal Paradigm Change and the Court of Justice’s Jurisprudence on Directive 93/13 on Unfair Contract Terms’, European Law Review, 33(3) (2008), 336–58.
Singleton, S., ‘Draft Consumer Rights Directive and Unfair Terms’, Consumer Law Today, Dec./Jan. (2008/9), 8–12.
Twigg-Flesner, C., ‘The Implementation of the Unfair Contract Terms Directive in the United Kingdom’, Contemporary Issues in Law, 8(2/3) (2006/7), 235–61.
Willett, C., Fairness in Consumer Contracts. The Case of Unfair Terms (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007).
Unfair commercial practices
Collins, H. (ed.), The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices (The Hague: Kluwer, 2004).
Howells, G., Micklitz, H. and Wilhelmsson, T. (eds.), European Fair Trading Law (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006).
Leistner, M., Richtiger Vertrag und lauterer Wettbewerb (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007).
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Consumer sales
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Grundmann, S. and Bianca, C. M. (eds.), EU – Sales Directive Commentary (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2002).
Magnus, U., ‘Verbrauchsgüterkaufrichtlinie – Kommentar’, in Grabitz, E. and Hilf, M. (eds.), Das Recht der Europäischen Union, vol. IV (Munich: Beck, 2007).
Mak, V., Performance-oriented Remedies in European Sale of Goods Law (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2009).
Micklitz, H. W., ‘Die Verbrauchsgüterkauf-Richtlinie’, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 10 (1999), 485.
Pfeiffer, T., ‘Verbrauchsgüterkaufrichtlinie – Kommentar’, Anwaltkommentar zum BGB, vol. 2/2 (Bonn: Deutscher Anwaltverlag, 2005).
Staudenmeyer, D., ‘The Directive on the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees – a Milestone in the European Consumer and Private Law’, European Review of Private Law, 8 (2000), 547.
Twigg-Flesner, C., Consumer Product Guarantees (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003).
Twigg-Flesner, C., ‘Consumer Goods Guarantees in the DCFR – “Best Solution” or Grasping the Wrong Nettle?’, European Review of Private Law, 17 (2009), 641.
Product liability
European Commission, Explanatory Memorandum to Proposal for a Council Directive relating to the Approximation of the Laws, Regulations and Administrative Provisions of the Member States concerning Liability for Defective Products, Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 11/76, 1976.
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Hodges, C., ‘Development Risks: Unanswered Questions’, Modern Law Review, 61 (1998), 560.
Howells, G., Comparative Product Liability (Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1993).
Howells, G. (ed.), The Law of Product Liability, 2nd edn. (London: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2007).
Howells, G., ‘Is European Product Liability Harmonised?’, in Koziol, H. and Schulze, R. (eds.), Tort Law of the European Community (Vienna: Springer, 2008).
Howells, G. and Mildred, M., ‘Is European Products Liability More Protective than the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Product Liability?’, Tennessee Law Review, 65 (1997–8), 985.
Pugh, C. and Pilgerstorfer, M., ‘The Development Risk Defence – Knowledge, Discoverability and Creative Leaps’, Journal of Personal Injury Law, (2007), 258.
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Taschner, H. C., ‘Harmonization of Products Liability Law in the European Community’, Texas International Law Journal, 34 (1999), 21.
Tulibacka, M., Product Liability Law in Transition – A Central European Perspective (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009).
Whittaker, S., ‘The EEC Directive on Product Liability’, Yearbook of European Law, 5 (1985), 233.
Commercial agency
Gardiner, C., ‘The EC (Commercial Agents) Directive: Twenty Years after its Introduction, Divergent Approaches still Emerge from Irish and UK Courts’, Journal of Business Law, (2007), 412–41.
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