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Cambridge University Press
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Gilles Deleuze (1925–95) was an influential and provocative twentieth-century thinker who developed and presented an alternative to the image of thought found in traditional philosophy. This volume offers an extensive survey of Deleuze's philosophy by some of his most influential interpreters. The essays give lucid accounts of the fundamental themes of his metaphysical work and its ethical and political implications. They clearly situate his thinking within the philosophical tradition, with detailed studies of his engagements with phenomenology, post-Kantianism and the sciences, and also his interventions in the arts. As well as offering new research on established areas of Deleuze scholarship, several essays address key themes that have not previously been given the attention they deserve in the English-speaking world.


'This collection provides a welcome addition to Deleuze scholarship. Editors Daniel W. Smith and Henry Somers-Hall have compiled an excellent group of essays that simultaneously offers innovative perspectives on, while also providing an extremely helpful point of entry into, a provocative body of work that, precisely because it is provocative, can also appear rather daunting.'

Dianna Taylor Source: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

'… easily the most detailed, structurally creative, and intellectually motivating introduction to Deleuze's thought currently available.'

Source: French Studies

'The Cambridge Companion to Deleuze marks an important milestone in contemporary Continental philosophy.'

Source: Foucault Studies

'The fifteen essays assembled in this volume are written by distinguished scholars well known for their expertise on Deleuze (including contributions by the co-editors Somers-Hall and Daniel W. Smith). They collectively provide, as Somers-Hall aptly puts it, a 'rich portrait of the range and sophistication of Deleuze’s thinking …'

Eric White Source: The European Legacy

'… the editors have brought together an array of major scholars in the field, in this case to address a range of issues related to Deleuze's work … Each essay is of high quality … Recommended …'

A. D. Schrift Source: CHOICE

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