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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
January 2019
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Families and family law have encountered significant challenges in the face of rapid changes in social norms, demographics and political expectations. The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Family Law highlights the key questions and themes that have faced family lawyers across the world. Each chapter is written by internationally renowned academic experts and focuses on which of these themes are most significant to their jurisdictions. In taking this jurisdictional approach, the collection will explore how different countries have tackled these issues. As a result, the collection is aimed at students, practitioners and academics across a variety of disciplines interested in the key issues faced by family law around the world and how they have been addressed.


‘A stimulating collection of scholarly essays, exploring the key current family law issues in a range of jurisdictions and highlighting a variety of common underlying themes influencing contemporary family law systems. An excellent source for comparative thought about family law.'

Stephen Gilmore - King's College London

‘This rich collection of essays challenges readers to think about the lens through which they view family law, and the even more fundamental question of how we determine what the law is. Each contributor focuses on the issues that are most salient within their particular jurisdiction or area, and adopts a different framework for analysing the issues, from constitutionalism to religious laws. This approach lays bare the assumptions that may be taken for granted within any given jurisdiction, and enables a deeper comparison to be undertaken.'

Rebecca Probert - University of Exeter

‘A fascinating and wide-ranging tour of current developments, debates, and dilemmas in family law around the globe. What an intriguing premise: Ask leading scholars in select jurisdictions to identify the crucial issues and recurrent themes in family law in their respective countries today. The sum is even greater than the parts, as the comparative dimension elevates this volume above more insular examinations of contemporary family law in just one country. Anyone who wants a broad and well-informed understanding of family law in the modern world, including how it operates in practice as well as how it is evolving on the books, should read this volume cover to cover.'

James G. Dwyer - College of William and Mary, Virginia

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  • 1 - Contemporary Issues in Family Law in England and Wales
    pp 19-47


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