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Biomedical Engineering for Global Health Cancer, Inequity, and Technology


, Duke University, North Carolina, , Duke University, North Carolina
Published 2024


Explore the fundamentals of biomedical engineering technologies with this thought-provoking introduction, framed around modern-day global cancer inequities. Connecting engineering principles to real-world global health scenarios, this textbook introduces major technological advances in cancer care through the lens of global health inequity, discusses how promising new technologies can address this inequity, and demonstrates how novel medical technologies are adopted for real-world clinical use. It includes modular chapters designed to enable a flexible pathway through material, for students from a wide range…

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Key features

  • Illustrates the interconnectedness of engineering with the humanities, history of science, and medicine, allowing students to understand what has led to the state of current health models, how this can be reversed, and the challenges of translating it for societal benefit
  • Teaches critical thinking and synthesis skills through homework problems and examples that ask the student to draw connections or distinguish between different concepts, then combine multiple concepts and apply them to a new problem
  • Illuminates the benefits, ethics and applications of engineering to health care through explorations of real-world examples

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