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Cambridge University Press
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September 2009
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Berlioz's Orchestration Treatise is a classic textbook which has been used as a guide to orchestration and as a source book for the understanding both of Berlioz's music and of orchestral practice in the nineteenth century. This was the first English translation of Berlioz's complete text since 1856, and it is accompanied throughout by Hugh Macdonald's extensive and authoritative commentary on the instruments of Berlioz's time and on his own orchestral practice, as revealed in his scores. It also includes extracts from Berlioz's writings on instruments in his Memoirs and in his many articles for the Parisian press. The Treatise has been highly valued both for its technical information about instruments but also for its poetic and visionary approach to the art of instrumentation. Berlioz was not only one of the great orchestrators of the nineteenth century, he was also the author with the clearest understanding of the art.


"When I received the book, I confidently expected a good modern translation of this seminal work on orchestration and an informative commentary. My expectations were exceeded in both respects. A better translation and commentary than the present one can scarcely be imagined. Indeed, as far as commentary is concerned, this book is an essential reference tool for scholars of every nationality and for all performers of Berlioz's music." Journal of Musicological Research

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On the Treatise
H. Kling, ‘Le grand traité d'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes’, in Le livre d'Or du centenaire d'Hector Berlioz (Paris, [1903]), pp. 122–4
Camille Saint-Saëns, Portraits et Souvenirs (Paris, 1909), pp. 4–6
Ernest, Closson, ‘Richard Strauss et le Traité d'orchestration d'Hector Berlioz’, Le guide musical, 55 (1909), pp. 591–4, 607–11
Hans Bartenstein, Hector Berlioz's Instrumentationskunst und ihre geschichtlichen Grundlagen: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Orchesters (Strasbourg, 1939); 2nd, expanded, edn (Baden-Baden, 1974)
Edward, Lockspeiser, ‘The Berlioz–Strauss treatise on instrumentation’, Music and Letters, 50/1 (1969), pp. 37–44
Joseph-Marc Bailbé, ‘L'orchestre et Le traité d'orchestration’, in Berlioz artiste et écrivain dans les ‘mémoires’ (Paris, 1972), pp. 87–104
Frédéric de La Grandville, Recueil complémentaire des exemples d'orchestration cités dans le texte du grand traité d'instrumentation d'Hector Berlioz (Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines, Reims, 1978)
Alastair, Bruce, ‘Berlioz's treatise on instrumentation’, Berlioz Society Bulletin, 104 (Summer 1979), pp. 2–13
Joël-Marie Fauquet, ‘The Grand Traité d'instrumentation’, in The Cambridge Companion to Berlioz, ed. Peter Bloom (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 164–70
On Berlioz's Orchestration
H. Lavoix fils, Histoire de l'instrumentation depuis le seizième siècle jusqu’à nos jours (Paris, 1878)
Adam Carse, The History of Orchestration (London, 1925)
Tom S. Wotton, ‘Orchestration’, in Hector Berlioz (London, 1935), pp. 99–121
Adam Carse, The Orchestra from Beethoven to Berlioz (Cambridge, 1948)
Jacques Barzun, ‘Structure and harmony through timbre’, in Berlioz and the Romantic Century (2 vols, Boston, 1950), 1, pp. 448–69
Hugh, MacDonald, ‘Berlioz's orchestration: human or divine?’, Musical Times, 110 (1969), pp. 255–8
Pierre Boulez, ‘L'imaginaire chez Berlioz’, in Points de répère (Paris, 1981), pp. 239–47; published in English as ‘Berlioz and the realm of the imaginary’, High Fidelity Magazine, 19/3 (1969), pp. 47–54
Benjamin Perl, ‘L'orchestre dans les opéras de Berlioz’ (thesis, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 1983)
Performance Practice: Music After 1600, ed. Howard Mayer Brown and Stanley Sadie (London, 1989)
Joël-Marie Fauquet, ‘L'innovation instrumentale devant l'Académie (1803–1851)’, in Musique et médiations, ed. Dufont et Fauquet (Paris, 1994), pp. 197–249
Philip James Bone, The Guitar and Mandolin (London, 1914), pp. 36–40
Joseph, Zuth, ‘Die Gitarre des Berlioz’, Zeitschrift für die Gitarre, 1 (1922), pp. 8–11
Victor, Kolon, ‘Die Pariser Gitarre von Paganini–Berlioz’, Zeitschrift für die Gitarre, 5 (1926), pp. 50–3
Paul Jerald Dallman, ‘Influence and use of the guitar in the music of Hector Berlioz’ (MMus thesis, University of Maryland, 1972)
Anthony Baines, Woodwind Instruments and their History (London, 1957)
Cecil B. Wilson, ‘Berlioz's use of brass instruments’ (Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western Reserve, 1971)
Hugh, MacDonald, ‘An ophicleide you cannot refuse’, Berlioz Society Bulletin, 101 (1978), pp. 3–5
Jürgen Eppelshein, ‘Berlioz’ “Petit Saxhorn Suraigu”’, in Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. Bericht über den internationalen Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongreβ. Berlin 1974, ed. Hellmut Kühn and Peter Nitsche (Kassel, 1980), pp. 586–91
Anthony Baines, Brass Instruments: Their History and Development (New York, 1981)
Benjamin, Perl, ‘Les cuivres dans les opéras de Berlioz’, Brass Bulletin, 45 (1984), pp. 18–30
Sandor, E. P., ‘Development and use of the chromatic trumpet in the nineteenth century orchestra’, NACWPI Journal, 33/4 (1985), pp. 4–12
Ernest H. Gross Ⅲ, ‘The influence of Berlioz on contemporary nineteenth century use of brass instruments’, Brass Bulletin (in 4 parts): 67/3 (1989), p. 20; 68/4 (1989), p. 34; 69/1 (1990), p. 88; 70/2 (1990), p. 62
Edward, H. Tarr, ‘The romantic trumpet’, Historic Brass Society Journal, 5 (1993), pp. 213–61
Diana, Bickley, ‘The trumpet shall sound’, Historic Brass Society Journal, 6 (1994), pp. 61–83
David, Whitwell, ‘Berlioz – his music for winds’, The Instrumentalist, 20 (1996), pp. 71–5
Batigan, D. Verne, ‘Berlioz versus the organ’, The Organ, 6 (1927), pp. 171–8
Guy, Warrack, ‘Hector, thou sleep'st’, Musical Times, 104 (1963), pp. 896–7
Denis, McCaldin, ‘Berlioz and the organ’, The Organ Yearbook, 4 (1973), pp. 3–17
Geneviève, Duval-Wirth, ‘Berlioz et la voix’, Silex, 17 (1980), pp. 87–94
Tom, S. Wotton, ‘The roll of the drums’, Musical Opinion, 25 (1902), p. 366
Peter Hyde Tanner, ‘Timpani and percussion writing in the works of Hector Berlioz’ (PhD dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1967)
Nancy Benvenga, ‘The use of the percussion in the symphonies of Berlioz’ (typescript, Boston, 1969)
James Blades, Percussion Instruments and their History (London, 1970)
Cecil, B. Wilson, ‘Some remarks about multiple timpani and Berlioz’, The Instrumentalist, 28 (1973), pp. 55–6
John, Crabbe, ‘Hell's bells and Hector Berlioz’, Hi-Fi News and Record Review (1978), pp. 91–3
Nancy, Benvenga, ‘Berlioz and sponge timpani sticks’, Berlioz Society Bulletin, 100 (Summer 1978), pp. 5–9
Michael Paul Matesky, ‘Berlioz on conducting’ (DMA dissertation, University of Washington, 1974)
Elliott, W. Galkin, ‘Berlioz as conductor’, Journal of the American Liszt Society, 9 (1981), pp. 19–30
Donald L. Appert, ‘Berlioz, the conductor’ (DMA dissertation, University of Kansas, 1985)
Michael G. H. Wright, A Berlioz Bibliography (Farnborough, n. d.)
Cecil Hopkinson, A Bibliography of the Musical and Literary Works of Hector Berlioz 1803–1869, 2nd edn, ed. Richard Macnutt (Tunbridge Wells, 1980)
D. Kern Holoman, Catalogue of the Works of Hector Berlioz (Kassel, 1987)
Jeffrey Langford and Jane Denker Graves, Hector Berlioz: a Guide to Research (New York, 1989)
For further sources used in this book, see ‘Abbreviations’ (p. ⅩⅩⅩⅧ)


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