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Sumit K. Mandal uncovers the hybridity and transregional connections underlying modern Asian identities. By considering Arabs in the Malay world under European rule, Becoming Arab explores how a long history of inter-Asian interaction was altered by nineteenth-century racial categorisation and control. Mandal traces the transformation of Arabs from familiar and multi-faceted creole personages of Malay courts into alienated figures defined by economic and political function. The racialisation constrained but did not eliminate the fluid character of Arabness. Creole Arabs responded to the constraints by initiating transregional links with the Ottoman Empire and establishing modern social organisations, schools, and a press. Contentions emerged between organisations respectively based on Prophetic descent and egalitarianism, advancing empowering but conflicting representations of a modern Arab and Islamic identity. Mandal unsettles finite understandings of race and identity by demonstrating not only the incremental development of a modern identity, but the contested state of its birth.


Winner, 2020 Harry J. Benda Award, Association for Asian Studies


'Mandal makes an important and original contribution to our understanding of Arabs and Arabness in the Malay world, as well as to the history of colonial and postcolonial Indonesia. His lucid and accessible style makes Becoming Arab a pleasure to read. This ground breaking work will provoke various conversations that will further enrich our knowledge of the topic.'

Ronit Ricci - Hebrew University, Israel

'Becoming Arab presents rich, engaging and original material on Arabs in the Malay world and makes a powerful case for deeper exploration of creole and transnational histories; it makes an important contribution to Southeast Asian history and colonial history, to the study of contemporary identity, ethnicity, and race, to understandings of the salience of race and ethnicity in the making and maintenance of modern nation states.'

Iza Hussin - University of Cambridge

‘It is always a delight when a path-breaking doctoral dissertation is finally published, and Sumit Mandal’s thesis, completed in 1994 at Columbia University, falls squarely into this category. Many scholars working on the Hadhrami diaspora, which spread from southern Arabia all around the Indian Ocean, have referred to this legendary text, and it is a real pleasure to see it in print at last. The book is replete with fascinating biographical sketches, and there are valuable tables detailing the economic activities of Hadhrami Arabs on Java … Cambridge University Press is to be congratulated for at last making this painstaking scholarly research available to a wider public.'

William Gervase Clarence-Smith Source: South East Asia Research

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Much of the research for this book is drawn from the collections of the former Ministry of the Colonies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs located in the National Archives (NA) of the Netherlands in The Hague. All references to the categories of colonial reports, Mr. (Mailrapport) and Vb. (Verbaal), pertain to sources from the former collection. For instance, a 904-page report by Fokko Fokkens is titled ‘Onderzoek naar den Economischen Toestand der Vreemde Oosterlingen op Java en Madoera en voorstellen tot verbetering’ and identified as Mr. 887/1894, which is a missive filed in Vb. 17 Apr. 1896, no. 27. References to documents from the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are organised by the title and date of the document, the subject, and the dossier in which it is located. All my references from this collection fall under the subject Pan-Islamitische Woelingen (Pan-Islamic Agitation).

A significant number of other documents used in this book are found in the collections of the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (KITLV – Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) and entrusted to the Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden (Leiden University Library). I consulted the collections of J. D. van Herwerden (1806–79) and the following officials of the Bureau of Native and Arab Affairs in Batavia: G. A. J. Hazeu, R. A. Kern, and E. Gobée. Citations from here are organised by their title and date followed by the name of the collection and number of the document.

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