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The Art and Science of Language Teaching


, Georgetown University, Washington DC, , Georgetown University, Washington DC
Published 2023


This user-friendly book is designed for language teachers of all levels and languages who seek to inform their classroom practices with current research findings on second language acquisition. Ideal for courses on second language learning and teaching, teacher reading groups, and professional development workshops, each chapter begins with a story of a real teaching scenario and a concise summary of what cutting-edge language teaching research says (and what it does not say) about the topic. Throughout the twenty-one chapters, the…

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Key features

  • Links pedagogical theories to scenarios derived from experiences of real teachers, clearly demonstrating how practice and research connect
  • Presents cutting-edge linguistic research in an accessible manner, and includes resources for further reading, listening, and watching to give teachers the tools they need to apply teaching innovations
  • Addresses theories and practices currently unsupported by linguistic research in order to prevent the proliferation of ineffective practices and provide an accurate overview of current research in Applied Linguistics

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