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Arguably the foundational text of Western political theory, Aristotle's Politics has become one of the most widely and carefully studied works in ethical and political philosophy. This volume of essays offers fresh interpretations of Aristotle's key work and opens new paths for students and scholars to explore. The contributors embrace a variety of methodological approaches that range across the disciplines of classics, political science, philosophy, and ancient history. Their essays illuminate perennial questions such as the relationship between individual and community, the nature of democratic deliberation, and how to improve political institutions. Offering groundbreaking studies that both set Aristotle within the context of his own time and draw on contemporary discussion of his writings, this collection will provide researchers with an understanding of many of the major scholarly debates surrounding this key text.

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Collections of Articles on the Politics

Aubenque, P., and Tordesillas, A. (eds.) 1993. Aristote politique: Études sur la Politique d’Aristote. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Bartlett, R. C., and Collins, S. D. (eds.) 1999. Action and Contemplation. Studies in the Moral and Political Thought of Aristotle. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Bermon, E., Laurand, V., and Terrel, J. (eds.) 2011. Politique d’Aristote. Famille, régimes, education. Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.
Deslauriers, M., and Destrée, P. (eds.) 2013. The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle’s Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Goodman, L. E., and Talisse, R. B. (eds.) 2007. Aristotle’s Politics Today. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Höffe, O. (ed.) 2001. Aristoteles Politik. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Keyt, D., and Miller, F. D. Jr. (eds.) 1991. A Companion to Aristotle’s Politics. Oxford: Blackwell.
Kraut, R., and Skultety, S. (eds.) 2005. Aristotle’s Politics: Critical Essays. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Lord, C., and O’Connor, D. K. (eds.) 1991. Essays on the Foundation of Aristotelian Political Science. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Patzig, G. (ed.) 1990. Aristoteles’ Politik: Akten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
Rowe, C., and Schofield, M. (eds.) 2000. The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Rorty, A. O. (ed.) 1996. Essays on Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Tessitore, A. (ed.) 2002. Aristotle and Modern Politics. The Persistence of Political Philosophy. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.

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