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Cambridge University Press
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May 2010
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For and Against
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Are the political ideals of liberty and equality compatible? This question is of central and continuing importance in political philosophy, moral philosophy, and welfare economics. In this book, two distinguished philosophers take up the debate. Jan Narveson argues that a political ideal of negative liberty is incompatible with any substantive ideal of equality, while James P. Sterba argues that Narveson's own ideal of negative liberty is compatible, and in fact leads to the requirements of a substantive ideal of equality. Of course, they cannot both be right. Thus, the details of their arguments about the political ideal of negative liberty and its requirements will determine which of them is right. Engagingly and accessibly written, their debate will be of value to all who are interested in the central issue of what are the practical requirements of a political ideal of liberty.


'I think the book is very well structured … the discussion of the challenge to (right-)libertarianism that negative liberty is at stake on both sides in conflicts between the poor and rich is elaborated masterfully … Narveson and Sterba are to be praised for … developing two comprehensive and important answers to the questions it raises.'

Nils Holtug Source: Mind

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