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  • Cited by 12
  • Edited and translated by John Wortley, University of Manitoba, Canada
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
May 2013
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Book description

The Tales and Sayings of the Desert Fathers (Apophthegmata Patrum) are a key source of evidence for the practice and theory respectively of eremitic monasticism, a significant phenomenon within the early history of Christianity. The publication of this book finally ensures the availability of all three major collections which constitute the work, edited and translated into English. Richer in Tales than the 'Alphabetic' collection to which this is an appendix (both to be dated c.AD 500), the 'Anonymous' collection presented in this volume furnishes almost as much material for the study of the late antique world from which the monk sought to escape as it does for the monastic endeavour itself. More material continued to be added well into the seventh century, and so the spread and gradual evolution of monasticism are illustrated here over a period of about two and a half centuries.


'Wortley has served up not only a translation but, as he calls it, a ‘select edition’ of the Anonymous Collection of the Apophthegmata Patrum for Cambridge University Press. It is a collection long awaited by scholars, and Wortley is certainly to be commended for, at last, making available both edition and translation of this important but heretofore understudied body of Greek monastic literature.'

Source: Reviews in Religion and Theology

'Beautifully produced with a concise introduction, select bibliography, and index, this volume inspires hope for comparable, even matching, text and translation editions of the other collections … Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.'

G. R. Thursby Source: Choice

'Despite the ‘Anonymous’ of the title, many of the stories are attached to the names of great monastic saints, but the overall sense is of an almost folkloric world of nameless governors, farmers, ascetics, soldiers, husbands, and wives. There is plenty more research to be done on what this family of texts brings to light, both theological and historical, and this handsomely produced volume is a welcome invitation to further study.'

Rowan Williams Source: Common Knowledge

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Select bibliography
Apophthegmata patrum, collectio alphabetica [APalph] ed. Jean-Baptiste Cotelier in Monumenta Ecclesiae Graecae, vol. 1 (Paris 1647), re-ed. Jacques-Paul Migne, PG 65:71–440
Athanasius of Alexandria, The Life of Antony, the Coptic Life and the Greek Life, trans. Vivian, Tim and Athanasakis, A. N., Collegeville, Minn., 2003
Bousset, Wilhelm, Apophthegmata: Studien zur Geschichte des ältesten Mönchtums, composed on the basis of Bousset’s literary remains by Theodor Hermann and Gustav Krüger, Tübingen 1923
Chitty, Derwas, The Desert a City: an Introduction to the Study of Egyptian and Palestinian Monasticism under the Christian Empire, Oxford 1966
Chryssavgis, John, Abba Isaiah of Scetis: Ascetic Discourses, Collegeville, Minn., 2002
Chryssavgis, JohnIn the Heart of the Desert: the Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, Bloomington 2003
Escalon, Philippe, Le Monachisme syrien du ive au viie siècle; un monachisme charismatique, Paris 1999
Evelyn White, H. G. The Monasteries of the Wadi’n Natrun, vol. 2, The History of the Monasteries of Nitria and Scetis, New York 1912
Festugière, André-Jean, Les Moines d’Orient, 4 vols. in 5, Paris 1961–5
Gould, Graham, The Desert Fathers on Monastic Community, Oxford 1993
Guillaument, Antoine, Études sur la spiritualité de l’Orient Chrétien, Bellefontaine 1996
Guillaument, Antoine, “Le Désert des Kellia, un grand site monastique”, in Orban, Myriam (dir.), Déserts chrétiens d’Égypte, 29–45, Nice 1993
Guy, Jean-Claude, Recherches sur la tradition grecque des Apophthegmata Patrum, 2nd edn, Brussels 1962
Guy, Jean-Claude, Les Apophtegmes des Pères: collection systématique, 3 vols., Paris 1993, 2003, 205, Sources Chrétiennes 387, 474 and 498
Harmless, William, Desert Christians: an Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism, Oxford and New York 2004
John of Ephesus, Lives of the Eastern Saints, Syriac text ed. and trans. Brooks, E. W., PO 17/1:xv + 1–306
Rufus, John, Bishop of Maiouma, Plerophoriai, ed. Nau, Frédéric, PO 8:1–161
Nau, Frédéric, “Histoires des solitaires égyptiens”, Revue de l’Orient chrétien 12 (1907) through 18 (1913)
Palladius, , The Lausiac History, ed. Bartelink, G. J. M., Palladio, La Storia Lausiaca, Milan 1974, trans. Wortley, John, Palladius' Lausiac History, forthcoming
Paul, Evergetinos, Synagogê, Venice 1783; 6th edition, 4 vols., Athens 1980
Pelagius, and John, Verba Seniorum, ed. Rosweyde, Heribert, Vitae Patrum (Antwerp 1615), Books v and vi, rpt Jacques-Paul Migne, PL 73:855–1022; trans. Ward, Benedicta, The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks, New York and London 2003
Regnault, Lucien, The Day-to-Day Life of the Desert Fathers in Fourth-Century Egypt, Bronx, New York, 2000, first published as La vie quotidienne des pères du désert en Égypte an IVe siècle, Paris 1990
Regnault, Lucien, Les Sentences des Pères du Désert, troisième recueil & tables, Solesmes 1976
Regnault, Lucien, Les Sentences des Pères du Désert, nouveau recueil: apophtegmes inédits ou peu connus. . ., Solesmes 1977
Regnault, Lucien, Les Sentences des Pères du Désert, série des anonymes, Solesmes and Bellefontaine 1985
Russell, NormanThe Lives of the Desert Fathers: the Historia Monachorum in Ægypto, Oxford 1981
Taft, Robert, The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West, Collegeville, Minn. 1985
Ward, Benedicta, The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: the Alphabetical Collection, Oxford and Kalemazoo 1975
Williams, Rowan, Silence and Honey Cakes: the Wisdom of the Desert, Oxford 2003
Wortley, John, The Book of the Elders: Sayings of the Desert Fathers, the Systematic Collection, Collegeville, Minn. 2012
Wortley, JohnThe Spiritual Meadow of John Moschos (Pratum Spirituale), Collegeville, Minn. 1992


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