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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2012
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Book description

Over the last decade there has been a resurgence of writing on the Trinity, indicating a renewal of ideas and debate concerning this key element of Christian theology. This introduction challenges the standard account of a decline and revival in Trinitarian theology, taking into account recent, alternative readings of the theological tradition by Lewis Ayres and Michel Barnes amongst other scholars. By clearly analysing the scope of these new approaches, the authors establish the importance of a considered understanding of the Trinity, resisting the notion of separating faith and reason and identifying theology's link to spirituality. Their account also eschews the easy stereotypes of Western Christianity's supposedly more Unitarian approach as opposed to the more Trinitarian view of the East. Offering an overview of the main people and themes in Trinitarian theology past and present, this book thus provides an accessible, comprehensive guide for students and scholars alike.


'This is a first-class lucid survey of the development of Trinitarian theology and its ethical and spiritual implications in the history of Christianity, both East and West. Marmion and Van Nieuwenhove have succeeded in making intelligible the most complex of debates and even more, showing why they were necessary for a serious doctrine of God.'

Gavin D'Costa - University of Bristol

‘A useful book for students of historical theology and contemporary dogmatics, bringing the discussions right up to date.’

Source: Baptist Times

'… for those wishing to refresh or deepen their knowledge of this branch of systematic theology, An Introduction to the Trinity is a fine place to begin.'

Source: New Directions

'Not the least of the many good qualities of this excellent book is that it does attempt to show the difference the Trinity makes to Christian faith and life … It is a model textbook, setting out different points of view with clarity and attempting to come to balanced conclusions. It will be widely used in theological colleges and universities but could be profitably read by anyone with a serious interest in theology who would like an up-to-date survey of an important field of study.'

Source: The Church of England Newspaper

'The multifaceted approaches of leading Trinitarian theologians like Athanasius, the Cappodocians, Augustine of Hippo, Richard of St Victor, Bonaventure, Aquinas, van Ruusbroec, Luther, Calvin, K. Barth and K. Rahner, are all given due care and attention throughout the book … An Introduction to the Trinity is a readable volume that can be skilfully implemented in theological curricula.'

Igal German Source: Religious Studies Review

'Some books, even if they are introductions, are profoundly edifying. An Introduction to the Trinity by Marmion and Van Nieuwenhove is definitely one of those. My department has already and wisely included their Introduction [in] … the Masters’ Comps List … This [book] is highly recommended for various theological courses and, as an expert secondary source, for … courses on the Trinity.'

Source: Reviews in Religion and Theology

'The authors accurately sketch multiple strands in European thought about the Trinity, providing a solid basis for those who wish to proceed to a direct reading of the major theologians.'

Source: Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology

‘… this is without doubt a first-rate, suggestive study, one that should find its way into graduate seminars on the Trinity.’

Joseph Wawrykow Source: The Thomist

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