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  • Cited by 7
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2018
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Online ISBN:
  • 155.00 (USD)
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Book description

An Archaeology of the British Atlantic World, 1600–1700 is the first book to apply the methods of modern-world archaeology to the study of the seventeenth-century English colonial world. Charles E. Orser, Jr explores a range of material evidence of daily life collected from archaeological excavations throughout the Atlantic region, including England, Ireland, western Africa, Native North America, and the eastern United States. He considers the archaeological record together with primary texts by contemporary writers. Giving particular attention to housing, fortifications, delftware, and stoneware, Orser offers new interpretations for each type of artefact. His study demonstrates how the archaeological record expands our understanding of the Atlantic world at a critical moment of its expansion, as well as to the development of the modern, Western world.


'Orser's book is truly a pleasure to read. He presents an informative and entertaining review of the archaeology of the English Atlantic World in a refreshing and engaging way. In 486 pages, Orser creates a foundation on which to weave his interpretation of the material world of England, Ireland, Coastal Africa, and eastern Native America. After providing a firm foundation of trade, discovery, and theory, he expands in the second part, which reviews the material culture of boats, fixed and portable material worlds. Throughout the work the author maintains a unique perspective while addressing the finds and connections across local and more global settings. The work contains over 30 figures and 25 tables, which add to the narrative and provide visual insight. The author’s knowledge and experience help the reader to understand and see the connection between historical archaeology and its global impact and significance. This is a highly recommended work for anyone interested in historical archaeology and archaeology in general.​'

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  • Chapter 4 - Atlantic Material Culture: Boats, Ships, and Navigation
    pp 189-225


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