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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
January 2024
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Book description

Those who responded to the COVID-19 pandemic have now had the opportunity to reflect on lessons learned, and in this science and data-rich book, those reflections are presented as a behind-the-scenes chronology of events and discoveries that occurred in COVID-19's wake. Offering a rubric for a future pandemic response, each chapter is written by experts, with their unique perspectives, experience, and learnings woven into visual roadmaps throughout the book. These roadmaps serve as a scaffolding upon which future healthcare leaders can build when creating, implementing and executing operational strategies in the face of future infectious disease outbreaks. Written for both lay and scientific audiences and featuring case studies which give clinical insight into the unique bond between COVID patients, their loved ones and their healthcare providers, this important book allows readers to leverage the knowledge of experts to improve the outcomes of future pandemics.


‘I need to know what to do to protect people, my family, and my co-workers. I’m interested in all the areas this book covers.’

Mirna DiPano - Ph.D., Vice President Regulatory and Clinical Affairs at NanoString Technologies, Inc.

‘The concept addresses the significant gap that exists in the timely development of diagnostics that are both reliable and fit for purpose, a subject I am very interested in. I am very heartened that you have taken a multi-disciplinary approach to build a roadmap for the next pandemic and am curious to learn more.’

Susie Braniff - Ph.D., Scientist, WHO, In Vitro Diagnostic Assessment Team

‘OMG, this is going to be a landmark book. I cannot wait to read it.’

Marcelle Abell-Rosen - M.D., Internal Medicine Physician

‘An outstanding blend of science, real-world insights, and practical guidance that will be of great interest for both the lay audience and scientists. The diverse voices and visual roadmaps make this book a comprehensive and actionable guide, leaving readers better equipped to face future pandemics.’

David A. Hafler - M.D., William S. and Lois Stiles Edgerly Professor of Neurology and Professor of Immunobiology,Chairman, Department of Neurology Yale School of Medicine; Neurologist-in-ChiefYale New Haven Hospital

‘This book essentially reverse-engineers and then lays out the pathway that we were all involved in but we all failed to prepare for. This is a detailed, essential guide that provides a well-documented process for the managing our next pandemic.’

J. Paul Robinson - Distinguished Professor of Cytometry, Professor of Biomedical Engineering,Professor of Computer and Information Management at Purdue University; Adjunct Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at West Lafayette Center for Medical Education, Indiana University School of Medicine; Director of Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories

‘Future generations are certain to face public health challenges. Those of us who lived and worked through the COVID-19 pandemic have a duty to document and provide a roadmap to those who follow us and may need to urgently respond to similar challenges. The book, Accelerating Diagnostics in a Time of Crisis: The Response to COVID-19 and a Roadmap to Future Pandemics is an excellent resource for policymakers and those who are part of global public health responses.’

Thomas N. Denny - M.Sc, M.Phil., Professor of Medicine, Chief Operating Officer, Duke Human Vaccine Institute; Director, Immunology and Virology Quality Assessment Center; Associate Dean for Duke Research and Discovery @ RTP

‘After the COVID-19 crisis, the editors and contributors have put together a timely and pertinent publication that tackles the persistent issue of lessons learnt to prepare for future pandemics. This comprehensive work covers a range of crucial subjects, including early detection, immunology, surveillance, diagnostics, and the societal ramifications of pandemics.’

Christopher Rudd - Christopher Rudd, Ph.D., DSc, FMedSci, FCAHS, FRSC, Professeur, Faculte de Medicine, Dept de microbiologie, infectiologie et immunologie, Director- ​Cell Signaling and Immunotherapy Section, Universite de Montreal

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