Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Publishers' Note
- Dedications & Prefaces
- THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of Arthur K. of Britaine to Island and the most Northeastern parts of Europe, Anno 517
- Two testimonies of Galfridus Monumetensis in his history of the Kings of Brittaine, concerning the conquests of King Arthur
- A testimony of M. Lambard in his Αρχαιονομία, touching the right and appendances of the Crowne of the kingdome of Britaine
- The voyage of Malgo king of Britaine to Island, Gotland, Orkney, Denmark and Norway, Anno 580
- The conquest of the Isles of Anglesey and Man by Edwin the Saxon king of Northumberland, Anno 624
- The voyage of Bertus into Ireland, Anno 684
- The voyage of Octher to the North parts beyond Norway about the yeere 890
- The second voyage of Octher into the Sound of Denmarke
- Wolstans Navigation into the East sea, or the Sound of Denmarke
- The voyage of King Edgar with 4000. shippes round about his large Monarchie, Anno 973
- The voyage of Edmund and Edward the sonnes of King Edmund Ironside, into Hungary, Anno 1017
- A Chronicle of the Kings of Man, taken out of M. Camdens Chorographie
- The mariage of the daughter of Harald unto Jeruslaus duke of Russia in his owne Countrey, Anno 1067
- The ancient state of the shipping of the Cinque Ports
- The voyage of a certaine Englishman into Tartaria, and from thence into Poland and Hungary, Anno 1243
- Libellus historicus Johannis de Plano Carpini
- The long and wonderfull voyage of Frier John de Plano Carpini, Anno 1246
- The journall of Frier William de Rubricis, Anno 1253
- Part of the great Charter graunted by King Edward the first, to the Barons of the Cinque Ports
- The rolle of the huge Fleete of Edward the thirde before Caleis
- The summe of expences layde out in the siege of Caleis
- A note of Thomas Walsingham touching King Edward the thirde his huge Fleete of 1100. ships, wherewith he passed over unto Caleis, Anno 1359
- The voyage of Nicolaus de Linna a Franciscan Frier, and an excellent Mathematician of Oxford to all the Regions situate under the North-pole, Anno 1360
- A Testimonie of the learned Mathematician Master John Dee, touching the foresaid voyage of Nicholas De Linna
- The voyage of Henry Earle of Derby, afterward King of England, into Prussia and Letto, Anno 1390
- The voyage of Thomas of Woodstock duke of Glocester into Prussia, Anno 1391
- Certaine verses of Geffrey Chaucer, concerning the long Voyages, and valiant exploits of the English knights in his dayes
- A testimonie out of Cornelius Tacitus, proving London to have bene a famous Mart-towne in the raigne of Nero the Emperour
- A testimony out of venerable Beda, prooving London to have bene a Citie of great traffique in his time
- The league betweene Carolus Magnus and Offa King of Mercia, concerning the safe trade of English Merchants
- An ancient testimony translated out of the olde Saxon Lawes, conteyning the advancement of Merchants, for their thrice crossing the wide seas
- A testimony of certaine Privileges obteined for the English and Danish Merchants by Canutus the King of England
- The flourishing state of Merchandise in the City of London in the dayes of Wilhelmus Malmesburiensis
- A testimony of the said Wil. of Malmesbury concerning traffique to Bristow in his time
- The league betweene Henry the second, and Frederick Barbarossa Emperour of Germany, partly touching trade of Merchandise
- A generall safe conduct granted by King John to all forreine Merchants
- The letters of King Henry the third, unto Haquinus king of Norwey
- A mandate for the king of Norway his ship called, The Cog
- A Charter granted for the behalfe of the Merchants of Colen, in the 20. yeere of Henry the thirde
- The Charter of Lubeck granted for seven yeeres in the time of Henry the third
- A Charter of the Merchants of Almaine, or the Stilyard-merchants
- A mandate of King Edward the first concerning outlandish Merchants
- King Edw. the first his great Charter granted to forreine Merchants, Anno Dom. 1303
- The letters of Edward the second unto Haquinus King of Norway, concerning certain English Merchants arrested in Norway
- Another letter of Edw. the second unto the said Haquinus for the merchants aforesaid
- A third letter of King Edward the second to the said Haquinus in the behalfe of our English merchants
- An Ordinance for the Staple to be holden at one certaine place
- Map
The voyage of Edmund and Edward the sonnes of King Edmund Ironside, into Hungary, Anno 1017
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Publishers' Note
- Dedications & Prefaces
- THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of Arthur K. of Britaine to Island and the most Northeastern parts of Europe, Anno 517
- Two testimonies of Galfridus Monumetensis in his history of the Kings of Brittaine, concerning the conquests of King Arthur
- A testimony of M. Lambard in his Αρχαιονομία, touching the right and appendances of the Crowne of the kingdome of Britaine
- The voyage of Malgo king of Britaine to Island, Gotland, Orkney, Denmark and Norway, Anno 580
- The conquest of the Isles of Anglesey and Man by Edwin the Saxon king of Northumberland, Anno 624
- The voyage of Bertus into Ireland, Anno 684
- The voyage of Octher to the North parts beyond Norway about the yeere 890
- The second voyage of Octher into the Sound of Denmarke
- Wolstans Navigation into the East sea, or the Sound of Denmarke
- The voyage of King Edgar with 4000. shippes round about his large Monarchie, Anno 973
- The voyage of Edmund and Edward the sonnes of King Edmund Ironside, into Hungary, Anno 1017
- A Chronicle of the Kings of Man, taken out of M. Camdens Chorographie
- The mariage of the daughter of Harald unto Jeruslaus duke of Russia in his owne Countrey, Anno 1067
- The ancient state of the shipping of the Cinque Ports
- The voyage of a certaine Englishman into Tartaria, and from thence into Poland and Hungary, Anno 1243
- Libellus historicus Johannis de Plano Carpini
- The long and wonderfull voyage of Frier John de Plano Carpini, Anno 1246
- The journall of Frier William de Rubricis, Anno 1253
- Part of the great Charter graunted by King Edward the first, to the Barons of the Cinque Ports
- The rolle of the huge Fleete of Edward the thirde before Caleis
- The summe of expences layde out in the siege of Caleis
- A note of Thomas Walsingham touching King Edward the thirde his huge Fleete of 1100. ships, wherewith he passed over unto Caleis, Anno 1359
- The voyage of Nicolaus de Linna a Franciscan Frier, and an excellent Mathematician of Oxford to all the Regions situate under the North-pole, Anno 1360
- A Testimonie of the learned Mathematician Master John Dee, touching the foresaid voyage of Nicholas De Linna
- The voyage of Henry Earle of Derby, afterward King of England, into Prussia and Letto, Anno 1390
- The voyage of Thomas of Woodstock duke of Glocester into Prussia, Anno 1391
- Certaine verses of Geffrey Chaucer, concerning the long Voyages, and valiant exploits of the English knights in his dayes
- A testimonie out of Cornelius Tacitus, proving London to have bene a famous Mart-towne in the raigne of Nero the Emperour
- A testimony out of venerable Beda, prooving London to have bene a Citie of great traffique in his time
- The league betweene Carolus Magnus and Offa King of Mercia, concerning the safe trade of English Merchants
- An ancient testimony translated out of the olde Saxon Lawes, conteyning the advancement of Merchants, for their thrice crossing the wide seas
- A testimony of certaine Privileges obteined for the English and Danish Merchants by Canutus the King of England
- The flourishing state of Merchandise in the City of London in the dayes of Wilhelmus Malmesburiensis
- A testimony of the said Wil. of Malmesbury concerning traffique to Bristow in his time
- The league betweene Henry the second, and Frederick Barbarossa Emperour of Germany, partly touching trade of Merchandise
- A generall safe conduct granted by King John to all forreine Merchants
- The letters of King Henry the third, unto Haquinus king of Norwey
- A mandate for the king of Norway his ship called, The Cog
- A Charter granted for the behalfe of the Merchants of Colen, in the 20. yeere of Henry the thirde
- The Charter of Lubeck granted for seven yeeres in the time of Henry the third
- A Charter of the Merchants of Almaine, or the Stilyard-merchants
- A mandate of King Edward the first concerning outlandish Merchants
- King Edw. the first his great Charter granted to forreine Merchants, Anno Dom. 1303
- The letters of Edward the second unto Haquinus King of Norway, concerning certain English Merchants arrested in Norway
- Another letter of Edw. the second unto the said Haquinus for the merchants aforesaid
- A third letter of King Edward the second to the said Haquinus in the behalfe of our English merchants
- An Ordinance for the Staple to be holden at one certaine place
- Map

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014