Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE ELEVENTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The 3. voyage set forth by sir Walter Ralegh to Guiana with a pinnesse called The Wat, begun in the yere 1596
- Three testimonies of Josepho de Acosta concerning the mightie river of Amazones, or Orellana, and of the downefall of waters at the head thereof called El Pongo, and likewise of the Empire of Dorado or Guiana, and of the golden countrey of Paytiti
- A briefe description of the foresayd river of Amazones or Orellana, and of the countries thereabout, as also of the sea of fresh water, taken out of an ancient discourse
- The first voyage of M. William Hawkins of Plimmouth, father unto sir John Hawkins, to Brasil Anno 1530
- The second voyage of M. William Hawkins to Brasil, 1532
- The voyage of M. Robert Reniger & M. Tho. Borey to Brasil, in the yere 1540
- The voyage of one Pudsey to Baya in Brasil 1542
- A letter written to M. Richard Staper by John Whithal from Santos in Brasil, the 26. of June, 1578
- A letter of the adventurers for Brasil sent to John Whithal dwelling at Santos, by the Minion of London, dated the 24. of October 1580
- The voyage of M. Stephan Hare in the Minion of London to Brasil anno 1580
- An intercepted letter of Francis Suarez to his brother Diego Suarez dwelling in Lisbon, written from the river of Jenero in Brasil in June 1596. concerning an exceeding rich trade newly begunne betweene that place and Peru by the way of the river of Plate, with small barkes of 30. or 40. tunnes
- The prosperous voyage of Master James Lancaster to the towne of Fernambuck in Brasil, 1594
- An intercepted letter written from Feliciano Cieça de Carvalho the governour of Paraiva in the most Northren part of Brasil 1597. to Philip the second King of Spaine, concerning the conquest of Rio grande, &c
- A speciall note concerning the currents of the sea betweene the Cape of Buena Esperança, and the coast of Brasilia
- An excellent ruttier describing the course to be kept from Cabo verde to the coast of Brasil, and all along the said coast from Fernambuck to the river of Plate
- A ruttier from the river of Plate to the Streights of Magellan
- A Voyage of two Englishmen to the river of Plate in the company of Sebastian Cabota, 1527
- The voyage of M. John Drake after his departure from M. Fenton, up the river of Plate 1582
- A Ruttier which declareth the situation of the coast of Brasil from the yle of Santa Catelina unto the mouth of the river of Plate, and all along up within the said river, and what armes & mouths it hath to enter into it, as farre as it is navigable with small barkes
- The famous voyage of sir Francis Drake into the South sea, and therehence about the globe of the whole earth, begunne Anno 1577
- The names of the kings of Java, at the time of sir Francis Drakes being there
- Certaine words of the naturall language of Java, with the interpretation thereof
- The voyage of Nunno de Silva a Portugal Pilot taken by sir Francis Drake at the yles of Cabo Verde, and caried along with him as farre as the haven of Guatulco upon the coast of New Spaine: with his confession made to the Viceroy of Mexico of all matters that befell, during the time that he accompanied sir Francis Drake
- A letter written in the South sea by sir Francis Drake unto his consort M. John Winter
- The voyage of M. John Winter into the South sea by the Streight of Magellan in consort with sir Francis Drake, begun in the yeere 1577. he being the first Christian that ever repassed the said Streight
- Instructions given by the R. H. the lords of the councell, to M. Edward Fenton esquire, for the order to be observed in the voyage recommended unto him for the East Indies and Cathay, April 9, 1582
- The voyage of M. Edward Fenton and M. Luke Ward his viceadmirall with 4. ships, intended for China, but performed onely to the coast of Brasil, as farre as 33. degrees of Southerly latitude; begunne in the yeere 1582
- The voyage of M. Robert Withrington, and M. Christopher Lister intended for the South sea, with two tal ships set forth at the charges of the right honourable the Earle of Cumberland, but performed onely to the Southerly latitude of 44. degrees, begun Anno 1586
- A discourse of the West Indies and the South sea, written by Lopez Vaz a Portugall, conteining divers memorable matters not to be found in any other writers, and continued unto the yere 1587
- The prosperous voyage of M. Thomas Candish esquire into the South sea, and so round about the circumference of the whole earth, begun in the yere 1586. and finished 1588
- Certaine rare and speciall notes most properly belonging to the voyage of M. Thomas Candish about the world; concerning the latitudes, soundings, lying of lands, distances of places, the variation of the compasse, and other notable observations, diligently taken by M. Thomas Fuller of Ipswich
- A letter of M. Thomas Candish to the R. H. the olde Lord Hunsdon, L. Chamberlaine, one of her Majesties most honourable privie councell, touching the successe of his voyage rounde about the worlde
- Certaine notes or references taken out of a large map of China, brought home by M. Thomas Candish 1588
- The voyage of the Delight a ship of Bristol one of the consorts of M. John Chidley esquire, and M. Paul Wheele, made to the Streights of Magellan, begun in the yere 1589
- A petition made in the streight of Magellan by certeine of the company of the Delight of Bristoll, unto Robert Burnet the Master of the sayd ship, and one of the consorts of M. Chidley the 12 of February 1589
- The last voyage of M. Thomas Candish intended for the South sea, the Philippinas, and the coast of China, with three tall ships, and two barks, begun 1591
- The testimoniall of the company of the Desire, a ship of M. Candishes fleet in his last voyage, touching the loosing of their generall, which appeareth to have bene utterly against their meanings
- The letters of the Queenes most excellent Majestie, sent in the yere 1596, to the emperour of China, by M. Richard Allot and M. Thomas Bromefield, merchants of London, who were embarked in the fleet, whereof M. Benjamin Wood was generall
- Three severall testimonies concerning the mighty kingdome of Coray, tributary to the king of China, and bordering upon his Northeast frontiers: and also touching the warres of Quabacondono the monarch of Japan against China, by the way of Coray
- A briefe note concerning an extreame Northerly province of Japan, called Zuegara, situate 30 dayes journey from Miacó, & also of a certeine nation of Tartars, called Jezi, inhabiting on the maine to the North of China
- Advertisements touching the ships that goe from Sivil to the Indies of Spaine, together with some sea-orders of the Contractation house of Sivil
- The order of the Carena given to the ships that goe out of Spaine to the West Indies
- The examination of the Masters and Pilots which saile in the fleets of Spaine to the West Indies, written in Spanish by Pedro Dias a Spanish Pilot
- Plate
A ruttier from the river of Plate to the Streights of Magellan
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE ELEVENTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The 3. voyage set forth by sir Walter Ralegh to Guiana with a pinnesse called The Wat, begun in the yere 1596
- Three testimonies of Josepho de Acosta concerning the mightie river of Amazones, or Orellana, and of the downefall of waters at the head thereof called El Pongo, and likewise of the Empire of Dorado or Guiana, and of the golden countrey of Paytiti
- A briefe description of the foresayd river of Amazones or Orellana, and of the countries thereabout, as also of the sea of fresh water, taken out of an ancient discourse
- The first voyage of M. William Hawkins of Plimmouth, father unto sir John Hawkins, to Brasil Anno 1530
- The second voyage of M. William Hawkins to Brasil, 1532
- The voyage of M. Robert Reniger & M. Tho. Borey to Brasil, in the yere 1540
- The voyage of one Pudsey to Baya in Brasil 1542
- A letter written to M. Richard Staper by John Whithal from Santos in Brasil, the 26. of June, 1578
- A letter of the adventurers for Brasil sent to John Whithal dwelling at Santos, by the Minion of London, dated the 24. of October 1580
- The voyage of M. Stephan Hare in the Minion of London to Brasil anno 1580
- An intercepted letter of Francis Suarez to his brother Diego Suarez dwelling in Lisbon, written from the river of Jenero in Brasil in June 1596. concerning an exceeding rich trade newly begunne betweene that place and Peru by the way of the river of Plate, with small barkes of 30. or 40. tunnes
- The prosperous voyage of Master James Lancaster to the towne of Fernambuck in Brasil, 1594
- An intercepted letter written from Feliciano Cieça de Carvalho the governour of Paraiva in the most Northren part of Brasil 1597. to Philip the second King of Spaine, concerning the conquest of Rio grande, &c
- A speciall note concerning the currents of the sea betweene the Cape of Buena Esperança, and the coast of Brasilia
- An excellent ruttier describing the course to be kept from Cabo verde to the coast of Brasil, and all along the said coast from Fernambuck to the river of Plate
- A ruttier from the river of Plate to the Streights of Magellan
- A Voyage of two Englishmen to the river of Plate in the company of Sebastian Cabota, 1527
- The voyage of M. John Drake after his departure from M. Fenton, up the river of Plate 1582
- A Ruttier which declareth the situation of the coast of Brasil from the yle of Santa Catelina unto the mouth of the river of Plate, and all along up within the said river, and what armes & mouths it hath to enter into it, as farre as it is navigable with small barkes
- The famous voyage of sir Francis Drake into the South sea, and therehence about the globe of the whole earth, begunne Anno 1577
- The names of the kings of Java, at the time of sir Francis Drakes being there
- Certaine words of the naturall language of Java, with the interpretation thereof
- The voyage of Nunno de Silva a Portugal Pilot taken by sir Francis Drake at the yles of Cabo Verde, and caried along with him as farre as the haven of Guatulco upon the coast of New Spaine: with his confession made to the Viceroy of Mexico of all matters that befell, during the time that he accompanied sir Francis Drake
- A letter written in the South sea by sir Francis Drake unto his consort M. John Winter
- The voyage of M. John Winter into the South sea by the Streight of Magellan in consort with sir Francis Drake, begun in the yeere 1577. he being the first Christian that ever repassed the said Streight
- Instructions given by the R. H. the lords of the councell, to M. Edward Fenton esquire, for the order to be observed in the voyage recommended unto him for the East Indies and Cathay, April 9, 1582
- The voyage of M. Edward Fenton and M. Luke Ward his viceadmirall with 4. ships, intended for China, but performed onely to the coast of Brasil, as farre as 33. degrees of Southerly latitude; begunne in the yeere 1582
- The voyage of M. Robert Withrington, and M. Christopher Lister intended for the South sea, with two tal ships set forth at the charges of the right honourable the Earle of Cumberland, but performed onely to the Southerly latitude of 44. degrees, begun Anno 1586
- A discourse of the West Indies and the South sea, written by Lopez Vaz a Portugall, conteining divers memorable matters not to be found in any other writers, and continued unto the yere 1587
- The prosperous voyage of M. Thomas Candish esquire into the South sea, and so round about the circumference of the whole earth, begun in the yere 1586. and finished 1588
- Certaine rare and speciall notes most properly belonging to the voyage of M. Thomas Candish about the world; concerning the latitudes, soundings, lying of lands, distances of places, the variation of the compasse, and other notable observations, diligently taken by M. Thomas Fuller of Ipswich
- A letter of M. Thomas Candish to the R. H. the olde Lord Hunsdon, L. Chamberlaine, one of her Majesties most honourable privie councell, touching the successe of his voyage rounde about the worlde
- Certaine notes or references taken out of a large map of China, brought home by M. Thomas Candish 1588
- The voyage of the Delight a ship of Bristol one of the consorts of M. John Chidley esquire, and M. Paul Wheele, made to the Streights of Magellan, begun in the yere 1589
- A petition made in the streight of Magellan by certeine of the company of the Delight of Bristoll, unto Robert Burnet the Master of the sayd ship, and one of the consorts of M. Chidley the 12 of February 1589
- The last voyage of M. Thomas Candish intended for the South sea, the Philippinas, and the coast of China, with three tall ships, and two barks, begun 1591
- The testimoniall of the company of the Desire, a ship of M. Candishes fleet in his last voyage, touching the loosing of their generall, which appeareth to have bene utterly against their meanings
- The letters of the Queenes most excellent Majestie, sent in the yere 1596, to the emperour of China, by M. Richard Allot and M. Thomas Bromefield, merchants of London, who were embarked in the fleet, whereof M. Benjamin Wood was generall
- Three severall testimonies concerning the mighty kingdome of Coray, tributary to the king of China, and bordering upon his Northeast frontiers: and also touching the warres of Quabacondono the monarch of Japan against China, by the way of Coray
- A briefe note concerning an extreame Northerly province of Japan, called Zuegara, situate 30 dayes journey from Miacó, & also of a certeine nation of Tartars, called Jezi, inhabiting on the maine to the North of China
- Advertisements touching the ships that goe from Sivil to the Indies of Spaine, together with some sea-orders of the Contractation house of Sivil
- The order of the Carena given to the ships that goe out of Spaine to the West Indies
- The examination of the Masters and Pilots which saile in the fleets of Spaine to the West Indies, written in Spanish by Pedro Dias a Spanish Pilot
- Plate

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014