Book contents
- The Political Writings of George Washington
- The Political Writings of American Statesmen
- Frontispiece
- The Political Writings of George Washington
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Figures
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Part I First Presidential Term: 1788–1793
- To Alexander Hamilton, October 3, 1788
- To Benjamin Lincoln, October 26, 1788
- To Gouverneur Morris, November 28, 1788 (Excerpt)
- To Jonathan Trumbull, December 4, 1788 (Excerpt)
- To Benjamin Fishbourn, December 23, 1788 (Excerpt)
- To William Gordon, December 23, 1788 (Excerpts)
- To Samuel Hanson, January 10, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, January 29, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau, January 29, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Benjamin Lincoln, January 31, 1789
- To Samuel Powell, February 5, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Samuel Meredith, March 5, 1789
- To Benjamin Harrison, March 9, 1789
- To Benjamin Lincoln, March 11, 1789
- To Gustavus Scott, March 21, 1789
- To Edward Stevens, March 21, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Samuel Vaughan, March 21, 1789
- To George Steptoe Washington, March 23, 1789
- To George Clinton, Governor of New York, March 25, 1789
- To James Madison, March 30, 1789
- To Thomas Green, March 31, 1789
- To Henry Knox, April 1, 1789
- To J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur, April 10, 1789
- To Charles Thomson, April 14, 1789
- To the Mayor, Corporation, and Citizens of Alexandria, Virginia, April 16, 1789
- Diary Entry, April 16, 1789
- To the Citizens of Baltimore, April 17, 1789
- To the Officials of Wilmington, Delaware, April 19–20, 1789
- To the Delaware Society for Promoting Domestic Manufactures, April 19–20, 1789
- To the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, April 20, 1789
- To the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council of Philadelphia, April 20, 1789
- To the Judges of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, April 20, 1789
- To the President and Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, April 20, 1789
- To the Pennsylvania Legislature, April 21, 1789
- Diary Entry, April 23, 1789
- First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789
- To the German Lutherans of Philadelphia, April–May 1789
- To James Madison, May 5, 1789
- To Edward Rutledge, May 5, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the House of Representatives, May 8, 1789
- To James Bowdoin, May 9, 1789
- To William Heath, May 9, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the Citizens of New York City, May 9, 1789
- To Philip Schuyler, May 9, 1789
- To Vice President John Adams, May 10, 1789
- To John Jay, May 11, 1789
- To James Madison, May 12, 1789
- To the United States Senate, May 18, 1789
- To Eléanor-François-Elie, Comte de Moustier, May 25, 1789
- To the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, May 29, 1789
- To the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, May 30–June 5, 1789
- To the United Baptist Churches of Virginia, May 1789
- To John Jay, June 8, 1789
- To the Governor and Council of North Carolina, June 19, 1789
- To the German Reformed Congregations, June 1789
- To the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives, July 9, 1789
- To the Officials of Washington College, July 11, 1789
- To Matthew Irwin, July 20, 1789
- To David Stuart, July 26, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Bushrod Washington, July 27, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the United States Senate and House of Representatives, August 7, 1789
- To the Moravian Society for Propagating the Gospel, August 15, 1789
- To the Protestant Episcopal Church, August 19, 1789
- To James Craik, September 8, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the Pennsylvania Legislature, September 12, 1789
- To Benjamin Franklin, September 23, 1789
- To Samuel Langdon, September 28, 1789 (Excerpt)
- Circular to the Governors of the States, October 3, 1789
- Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 3, 1789
- Diary Entry, October 8, 1789 (Excerpt)
- Diary Entry, October 9, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Charles-Hector Théodat, Comte d’Estaing, October 13, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Thomas Jefferson, October 13, 1789
- To Charles Armand Tuffin, Marquis de La Rouërie, October 13, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Gouverneur Morris, October 13, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Gouverneur Morris, October 13, 1789
- To the Society of Quakers, October 13, 1789
- To the Congregational Ministers of New Haven, Connecticut, October 17, 1789
- To the Connecticut Legislature, October 17, 1789
- To the Citizens of Boston, October 27, 1789
- To the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts, October 27, 1789
- To the President and Fellows of Harvard University, October 27, 1789
- To the Massachusetts Legislature, October 27, 1789
- To the Inhabitants of Salem, Massachusetts, October 29, 1789
- To the Citizens of Newburyport, Massachusetts, October 30, 1789
- To the Citizens of Marblehead, Massachusetts, November 2, 1789
- To the Citizens of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, November 2, 1789
- To the Presbyterian Ministers of Massachusetts, November 2, 1789
- To the Governor and Legislature of New Hampshire, November 3, 1789
- To the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College, November 14, 1789
- To the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in North America, November 19, 1789
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, December 17, 1789
- First Annual Message to Congress, January 8, 1790
- To Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, January 9, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Charles Pinckney, Governor of South Carolina, January 11, 1790
- To Edward Newenham, January 15, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the Maryland Legislature, January 20, 1790
- To Thomas Jefferson, January 21, 1790
- To Samuel Powell, February 21, 1790
- To Roman Catholics in America, c. March 15, 1790
- To Officials of Charleston, South Carolina, March 18, 1790
- To the Georgia Legislature, March 18, 1790
- Diary Entry, March 19, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To David Stuart, March 28, 1790
- To the United States Supreme Court, April 3, 1790
- To the Virginia Legislature, April 27, 1790
- Diary Entry, April 27, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Anne-César de La Luzerne, April 29, 1790
- To the Delegates of the State Societies of the Cincinnati, May 1790
- To Marquis de Lafayette, June 3, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Arthur Fenner, Governor of Rhode Island, June 4, 1790
- To the Savannah, Georgia Hebrew Congregation, June 14, 1790
- To David Stuart, June 15, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the People of South Carolina, July 5, 1790
- To the Convention of the Universal Church, August 9, 1790
- To Anne-César de La Luzerne, August 10, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau, August 10, 1790
- To Marquis de Lafayette, August 11, 1790
- To the United States Senate, August 11, 1790
- To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, August 18, 1790
- To the Governor and Council of North Carolina, August 26, 1790
- To Vice President John Adams, August 27, 1790
- Enclosure: To Vice President John Adams, August 27, 1790
- To Eléanor-François-Elie, Comte de Moustier, November 1, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the Rhode Island Legislature, November 20, 1790
- To George Steptoe Washington, December 5, 1790 (Excerpt)
- Second Annual Message to Congress, December 8, 1790
- To the Hebrew Congregations of Philadelphia, New York, Charleston, and Richmond, December 13, 1790
- To the United States House of Representatives, December 13, 1790
- To the United States Senate, December 13, 1790
- To Gouverneur Morris, December 17, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the Seneca Chiefs, December 29, 1790
- To Timothy Pickering, Postmaster General, January 20, 1791
- To the President of the National Assembly of France, January 27, 1791
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, February 16, 1791
- To David Humphreys, March 16, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Tobias Lear, April 3, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, April 4, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Tobias Lear, April 12, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To the Inhabitants of Wilmington, North Carolina, April 25, 1791
- To the Officials of Charleston, South Carolina, May 3, 1791
- To James Seagrove, May 20, 1791 (Excerpt)
- Diary Entry, June 3, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To David Humphreys, July 20, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Marquis de Lafayette, July 28, 1791
- To Gouverneur Morris, July 28, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Edward Newenham, September 5, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Henry Knox, Secretary of War, September 8, 1791
- To Marquis de Lafayette, September 10, 1791 (Excerpts)
- To Anne-César de La Luzerne, September 10, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Jean Baptiste Ternant, French Minister to the United States, September 24, 1791
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, October 10, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, October 14, 1791 (Excerpt)
- Third Annual Message to Congress, October 25, 1791
- To Alexander Martin, Governor of North Carolina, November 14, 1791
- To David Stuart, November 20, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Marquis de Lafayette, November 21, 1791
- To the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, December 1, 1791
- To Pierre L’Enfant, December 2, 1791
- To John Vaughan, December 27, 1791
- To Brown and Francis, January 7, 1792
- To Gouverneur Morris, January 28, 1792
- To Pierre L’Enfant, February 28, 1792
- To the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, March 6, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, March 14, 1792
- To Louis XVI, March 14, 1792
- To Charles Pinckney, Governor of South Carolina, March 17, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To the Five Nations, March 23, 1792
- To John Carroll, Bishop of Baltimore, April 10, 1792
- To the Five Nations, April 25, 1792
- To Andrew Hamilton, May 4, 1792
- To Louis-Philippe, Comte de Ségur, May 4, 1792
- To William Moultrie, May 5, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Robert Sinclair, May 6, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To the United States Senate, May 8, 1792
- To James Madison, May 20, 1792
- To Marquis de Lafayette, June 10, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Edward Newenham, June 22, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, July 29, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, August 23, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, August 26, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, August 26, 1792
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, September 7, 1792
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, September 15, 1792 (Excerpt)
- Proclamation, September 15, 1792
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, September 17, 1792
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, September 17, 1792
- To John Francis Mercer, September 26, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, October 1, 1792
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, October 18, 1792
- To Gouverneur Morris, Minister to France, October 20, 1792
- To Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792
- To David Stuart, October 21, 1792
- Fourth Annual Message to Congress, November 6, 1792
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, November 24, 1792
- Proclamation on Recent Crimes Against the Cherokees, December 12, 1792
- To Henry Lee, January 20, 1793
- To the Members of the New Jerusalem Church in Baltimore, c. January 27, 1793
- To the Ministers and Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, January 30, 1793
- To the Massachusetts Masons, January 1793
- To William Moultrie, Governor of South Carolina, February 10, 1793
- To the Cabinet, February 27, 1793
- Part II Second Presidential Term: 1793–1797
- Part III Retirement: 1797–1799
- Appendix: Washington’s Death and Legacy
- Index
To John Jay, May 11, 1789
from Part I - First Presidential Term: 1788–1793
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 August 2023
- The Political Writings of George Washington
- The Political Writings of American Statesmen
- Frontispiece
- The Political Writings of George Washington
- Copyright page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Figures
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Part I First Presidential Term: 1788–1793
- To Alexander Hamilton, October 3, 1788
- To Benjamin Lincoln, October 26, 1788
- To Gouverneur Morris, November 28, 1788 (Excerpt)
- To Jonathan Trumbull, December 4, 1788 (Excerpt)
- To Benjamin Fishbourn, December 23, 1788 (Excerpt)
- To William Gordon, December 23, 1788 (Excerpts)
- To Samuel Hanson, January 10, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, January 29, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau, January 29, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Benjamin Lincoln, January 31, 1789
- To Samuel Powell, February 5, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Samuel Meredith, March 5, 1789
- To Benjamin Harrison, March 9, 1789
- To Benjamin Lincoln, March 11, 1789
- To Gustavus Scott, March 21, 1789
- To Edward Stevens, March 21, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Samuel Vaughan, March 21, 1789
- To George Steptoe Washington, March 23, 1789
- To George Clinton, Governor of New York, March 25, 1789
- To James Madison, March 30, 1789
- To Thomas Green, March 31, 1789
- To Henry Knox, April 1, 1789
- To J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur, April 10, 1789
- To Charles Thomson, April 14, 1789
- To the Mayor, Corporation, and Citizens of Alexandria, Virginia, April 16, 1789
- Diary Entry, April 16, 1789
- To the Citizens of Baltimore, April 17, 1789
- To the Officials of Wilmington, Delaware, April 19–20, 1789
- To the Delaware Society for Promoting Domestic Manufactures, April 19–20, 1789
- To the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, April 20, 1789
- To the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common Council of Philadelphia, April 20, 1789
- To the Judges of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, April 20, 1789
- To the President and Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, April 20, 1789
- To the Pennsylvania Legislature, April 21, 1789
- Diary Entry, April 23, 1789
- First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789
- To the German Lutherans of Philadelphia, April–May 1789
- To James Madison, May 5, 1789
- To Edward Rutledge, May 5, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the House of Representatives, May 8, 1789
- To James Bowdoin, May 9, 1789
- To William Heath, May 9, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the Citizens of New York City, May 9, 1789
- To Philip Schuyler, May 9, 1789
- To Vice President John Adams, May 10, 1789
- To John Jay, May 11, 1789
- To James Madison, May 12, 1789
- To the United States Senate, May 18, 1789
- To Eléanor-François-Elie, Comte de Moustier, May 25, 1789
- To the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, May 29, 1789
- To the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, May 30–June 5, 1789
- To the United Baptist Churches of Virginia, May 1789
- To John Jay, June 8, 1789
- To the Governor and Council of North Carolina, June 19, 1789
- To the German Reformed Congregations, June 1789
- To the Massachusetts Senate and House of Representatives, July 9, 1789
- To the Officials of Washington College, July 11, 1789
- To Matthew Irwin, July 20, 1789
- To David Stuart, July 26, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Bushrod Washington, July 27, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the United States Senate and House of Representatives, August 7, 1789
- To the Moravian Society for Propagating the Gospel, August 15, 1789
- To the Protestant Episcopal Church, August 19, 1789
- To James Craik, September 8, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To the Pennsylvania Legislature, September 12, 1789
- To Benjamin Franklin, September 23, 1789
- To Samuel Langdon, September 28, 1789 (Excerpt)
- Circular to the Governors of the States, October 3, 1789
- Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 3, 1789
- Diary Entry, October 8, 1789 (Excerpt)
- Diary Entry, October 9, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Charles-Hector Théodat, Comte d’Estaing, October 13, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Thomas Jefferson, October 13, 1789
- To Charles Armand Tuffin, Marquis de La Rouërie, October 13, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Gouverneur Morris, October 13, 1789 (Excerpt)
- To Gouverneur Morris, October 13, 1789
- To the Society of Quakers, October 13, 1789
- To the Congregational Ministers of New Haven, Connecticut, October 17, 1789
- To the Connecticut Legislature, October 17, 1789
- To the Citizens of Boston, October 27, 1789
- To the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts, October 27, 1789
- To the President and Fellows of Harvard University, October 27, 1789
- To the Massachusetts Legislature, October 27, 1789
- To the Inhabitants of Salem, Massachusetts, October 29, 1789
- To the Citizens of Newburyport, Massachusetts, October 30, 1789
- To the Citizens of Marblehead, Massachusetts, November 2, 1789
- To the Citizens of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, November 2, 1789
- To the Presbyterian Ministers of Massachusetts, November 2, 1789
- To the Governor and Legislature of New Hampshire, November 3, 1789
- To the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College, November 14, 1789
- To the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in North America, November 19, 1789
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, December 17, 1789
- First Annual Message to Congress, January 8, 1790
- To Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham, January 9, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Charles Pinckney, Governor of South Carolina, January 11, 1790
- To Edward Newenham, January 15, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the Maryland Legislature, January 20, 1790
- To Thomas Jefferson, January 21, 1790
- To Samuel Powell, February 21, 1790
- To Roman Catholics in America, c. March 15, 1790
- To Officials of Charleston, South Carolina, March 18, 1790
- To the Georgia Legislature, March 18, 1790
- Diary Entry, March 19, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To David Stuart, March 28, 1790
- To the United States Supreme Court, April 3, 1790
- To the Virginia Legislature, April 27, 1790
- Diary Entry, April 27, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Anne-César de La Luzerne, April 29, 1790
- To the Delegates of the State Societies of the Cincinnati, May 1790
- To Marquis de Lafayette, June 3, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Arthur Fenner, Governor of Rhode Island, June 4, 1790
- To the Savannah, Georgia Hebrew Congregation, June 14, 1790
- To David Stuart, June 15, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the People of South Carolina, July 5, 1790
- To the Convention of the Universal Church, August 9, 1790
- To Anne-César de La Luzerne, August 10, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau, August 10, 1790
- To Marquis de Lafayette, August 11, 1790
- To the United States Senate, August 11, 1790
- To the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, August 18, 1790
- To the Governor and Council of North Carolina, August 26, 1790
- To Vice President John Adams, August 27, 1790
- Enclosure: To Vice President John Adams, August 27, 1790
- To Eléanor-François-Elie, Comte de Moustier, November 1, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the Rhode Island Legislature, November 20, 1790
- To George Steptoe Washington, December 5, 1790 (Excerpt)
- Second Annual Message to Congress, December 8, 1790
- To the Hebrew Congregations of Philadelphia, New York, Charleston, and Richmond, December 13, 1790
- To the United States House of Representatives, December 13, 1790
- To the United States Senate, December 13, 1790
- To Gouverneur Morris, December 17, 1790 (Excerpt)
- To the Seneca Chiefs, December 29, 1790
- To Timothy Pickering, Postmaster General, January 20, 1791
- To the President of the National Assembly of France, January 27, 1791
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, February 16, 1791
- To David Humphreys, March 16, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Tobias Lear, April 3, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, April 4, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Tobias Lear, April 12, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To the Inhabitants of Wilmington, North Carolina, April 25, 1791
- To the Officials of Charleston, South Carolina, May 3, 1791
- To James Seagrove, May 20, 1791 (Excerpt)
- Diary Entry, June 3, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To David Humphreys, July 20, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Marquis de Lafayette, July 28, 1791
- To Gouverneur Morris, July 28, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Edward Newenham, September 5, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Henry Knox, Secretary of War, September 8, 1791
- To Marquis de Lafayette, September 10, 1791 (Excerpts)
- To Anne-César de La Luzerne, September 10, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Jean Baptiste Ternant, French Minister to the United States, September 24, 1791
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, October 10, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, October 14, 1791 (Excerpt)
- Third Annual Message to Congress, October 25, 1791
- To Alexander Martin, Governor of North Carolina, November 14, 1791
- To David Stuart, November 20, 1791 (Excerpt)
- To Marquis de Lafayette, November 21, 1791
- To the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, December 1, 1791
- To Pierre L’Enfant, December 2, 1791
- To John Vaughan, December 27, 1791
- To Brown and Francis, January 7, 1792
- To Gouverneur Morris, January 28, 1792
- To Pierre L’Enfant, February 28, 1792
- To the Commissioners for the District of Columbia, March 6, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, March 14, 1792
- To Louis XVI, March 14, 1792
- To Charles Pinckney, Governor of South Carolina, March 17, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To the Five Nations, March 23, 1792
- To John Carroll, Bishop of Baltimore, April 10, 1792
- To the Five Nations, April 25, 1792
- To Andrew Hamilton, May 4, 1792
- To Louis-Philippe, Comte de Ségur, May 4, 1792
- To William Moultrie, May 5, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Robert Sinclair, May 6, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To the United States Senate, May 8, 1792
- To James Madison, May 20, 1792
- To Marquis de Lafayette, June 10, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Edward Newenham, June 22, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, July 29, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, August 23, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, August 26, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, August 26, 1792
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, September 7, 1792
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, September 15, 1792 (Excerpt)
- Proclamation, September 15, 1792
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, September 17, 1792
- To Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, September 17, 1792
- To John Francis Mercer, September 26, 1792 (Excerpt)
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, October 1, 1792
- To Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, October 18, 1792
- To Gouverneur Morris, Minister to France, October 20, 1792
- To Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792
- To David Stuart, October 21, 1792
- Fourth Annual Message to Congress, November 6, 1792
- To Edmund Randolph, Attorney General, November 24, 1792
- Proclamation on Recent Crimes Against the Cherokees, December 12, 1792
- To Henry Lee, January 20, 1793
- To the Members of the New Jerusalem Church in Baltimore, c. January 27, 1793
- To the Ministers and Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, January 30, 1793
- To the Massachusetts Masons, January 1793
- To William Moultrie, Governor of South Carolina, February 10, 1793
- To the Cabinet, February 27, 1793
- Part II Second Presidential Term: 1793–1797
- Part III Retirement: 1797–1799
- Appendix: Washington’s Death and Legacy
- Index

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- The Political Writings of George WashingtonVolume II: 1788–1799, pp. 70Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2023