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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2020
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Why did the Anatolians remain illiterate for so long, although surrounded by people using script? Why and how did they eventually adopt the cuneiform writing system and why did they still invent a second, hieroglyphic script of their own? What did and didn't they write down and what role did Hittite literature, the oldest known literature in any Indo-European language, play? These and many other questions on scribal culture are addressed in this first, comprehensive book on writing, reading, script usage, and literacy in the Hittite kingdom (c.1650–1200 BC). It describes the rise and fall of literacy and literature in Hittite Anatolia in the wider context of its political, economic, and intellectual history.


‘Theo van den Hout is to be congratulated for having produced a groundbreaking book, which will remain for many years to come an essential reference work not only for all scholars in Hittitology and ancient Near Eastern studies, but also for anybody who wants to approach the topic of literacy in ancient societies.’

Michele Cammarosano Source: Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research

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