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Cambridge University Press
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June 2014
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Spanning a period of 2000 years from the Roman conquest of Dacia to the present day, A Concise History of Romania traces the development of a unique nation situated on the border between East and West. In this illuminating new history, Keith Hitchins explores Romania's struggle to find its place amidst two diverse societies: one governed by Eastern orthodox tradition, spirituality and agriculture and the other by Western rationalism, experimentation and capitalism. The book charts Romania's advancement through five significant phases of its history: medieval, early modern, modern and finally the nation's 'return to Europe'; evaluating all the while Romania's part in European politics, economic and social change, intellectual and cultural renewals and international entanglements. This is a fascinating history of an East European nation; one which sheds new light on the complex evolution of the Romanians and the identity they have successfully crafted from a unique synthesis of traditions.


'This is a book that every historian in Romania dreams of writing: absorbing in its narrative and wide ranging in terms of its sources, yet perfectly integrated within Romanian national historiography … Hitchins is possibly Romania's greatest living historian.'

Marius Turda Source: H-Net Reviews

'A Concise History of Romania bears the Hitchins trademarks: a clear, unruffled style, underpinned by an effective structure and formidable erudition lightly worn … the text is based on meticulous research in many languages, yet remains easy to follow. It forms an excellent introduction for undergraduate students or anyone else seeking to acquire the foundations of a complex set of events and influences over the long term.'

Alex Drace-Francis Source: European History Quarterly

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Further reading
Achim, Viorel. The Roma in Romanian History (Budapest, 2004)
Boia, Lucian. History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness (Budapest, 2001)
Hitchins, KeithRomania: Borderland of Europe (London, 2001)
Călinescu, George. A History of Romanian Literature from Its Origins to the Present Day (Milan, 1988)
Hitchins, Keith. The Identity of Romania, 2nd edn. (Bucharest, 2009)
Mârza, Radu. The History of Romanian Slavic Studies: From the Beginnings until the First World War (Cluj-Napoca, 2008)
Mitu, Sorin. National Identity of the Romanians of Transylvania (Budapest, 2001)
Stahl, Henri H.Traditional Romanian Village Communities (Cambridge, 1980)
Verdery, Katherine. Transylvanian Villagers: Three Centuries of Political, Economic, and Ethnic Change (Berkeley, 1983)
Ancient times
Brezeanu, Stelian. Daco-Romanian Continuity: Science and Politics (Bucharest, 1984)
Crişan, Ion Horaţiu. Burebista and His Time (Bucharest, 1978)
Glodariu, Ioan. Dacian Trade with the Hellenistic and Roman World (Oxford, 1976)
Pârvan, Vasile. Dacia: An Outline of the Civilizations of the Carpatho-Danubian Countries (Cambridge, 1928)
Medieval, to 1774
Andreescu, Ştefan. Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) (Bucharest, 1999)
Cernovodeanu, Paul. England’s Trade Policy in the Levant and Her Exchange of Goods with the Romanian Countries under the Later Stuarts (1660–1714) (Bucharest, 1972)
Duţu, Alexandru. European Intellectual Movements and Modernization in Romanian Culture (Bucharest, 1981)
Hitchins, KeithRomanian Humanists and European Culture: A Contribution to Comparative Cultural History (Bucharest, 1974)
Hitchins, Keith. A Nation Discovered: Romanian Intellectuals in Transylvania and the Idea of Nation, 1700–1848 (Bucharest, 1999)
Iorga, Nicolae. Byzantium after Byzantium (Iaşi, 2000)
Papacostea, Şerban. Stephen the Great, Prince of Moldavia, 1457–1504 (Bucharest, 1996)
Prodan, David. Supplex Libellus Valachorum or the Political Struggle of the Romanians in Transylvania during the 18th Century (Bucharest, 1971)
Spinei, Victor. Moldavia in the 11th–14th Centuries (Bucharest, 1986)
Modern, 1774–1947
Bucur, Maria. Eugenics and Modernization in Interwar Romania (Pittsburgh, 2002)
Drace-Francis, Alex. The Making of Modern Romanian Culture: Literacy and the Development of National Identity (London, 2006)
Eidelberg, Philip G.The Great Rumanian Peasant Revolt of 1907: Origins of a Modern Jacquerie (Leiden, 1974)
Georgescu, Vlad. Political Ideas and the Enlightenment in the Romanian Principalities (1750–1831) (New York, 1971)
Haynes, Rebecca. Romanian Policy toward Germany, 1936–1940 (New York, 2000)
Hitchins, Keith. Ion I. C. Brătianu: Romania (London, 2011)
Hitchins, KeithA Nation Affirmed: The Romanian National Movement in Transylvania, 1860–1914 (Bucharest, 1999)
Hitchins, KeithOrthodoxy and Nationality: Andreiu Şaguna and the Rumanians of Transylvania, 1846–1873 (Cambridge, MA, 1977)
Hitchins, KeithThe Romanians, 1774–1866 (Oxford, 1996)
Hitchins, KeithRumania 1866–1947 (Oxford, 1994)
Iordachi, Constantin. Charisma, Politics and Violence: The Legion of the “Archangel Michael” in Interwar Romania (Trondheim, 2004)
Jelavich, Barbara. Russia and the Formation of the Romanian National State, 1821–1878 (Cambridge, 1984)
Kellogg, Frederick. The Road to Romanian Independence (West Lafayette, 1995)
Livezeanu, Irina. Cultural Politics in Greater Romania (Ithaca, 1995)
Marinescu, Beatrice. Romanian-British Political Relations, 1848–1877 (Bucharest, 1983)
Michelson, Paul E.Romanian Politics, 1859–1872: From Prince Cuza to Prince Carol (Iaşi, 1998)
Mitrany, David. The Land and the Peasant in Rumania: The War and Agrarian Reform (1917–1921) (London, 1930)
Munteanu, Basil. Modern Rumanian Literature (Bucharest, 1939)
Ornea, Zigu. The Romanian Extreme Right in the 1930s (Boulder, 1999)
Petreu, Marta. An Infamous Past: E. M. Cioran and the Rise of Fascism in Romania (Chicago, 2005)
Riker, T. W.The Making of Roumania (London, 1931)
Roberts, Henry L.Rumania: Political Problems of an Agrarian State (New Haven, 1951)
Spector, Sherman D.Rumania at the Paris Peace Conference: A Study of the Diplomacy of Ioan I. C. Brătianu (New York, 1962)
Torrey, Glenn E.Romania and World War I: A Collection of Studies (Iaşi, 1998)
Torrey, Glenn E.The Romanian Battlefront in World War I (Lawrence, 2011)
Turnock, David. The Romanian Economy in the Twentieth Century (London, 1986)
The Communist era
Deletant, Dennis. Communist Terror in Romania. Gheorghiu-Dej and the Police State, 1948–1965 (New York, 1999)
Fischer, Mary Ellen. Nicolae Ceauşescu: A Study in Political Leadership (Boulder, 1989)
Gabanyi, Anneli Ute. The Ceauşescu Cult: Propaganda and Power Policy in Communist Romania (Bucharest, 2000)
Gilberg, Trond. Modernization in Romania since World War II (New York, 1975)
Hitchins, KeithNationalism and Communism in Romania: The Rise and Fall of Ceauşescu’s Personal Dictatorship (Boulder, 1990)
Hlihor, Constantin and Scurtu, Ioan. The Red Army in Romania (Iaşi, 2000)
Jowitt, Kenneth. Revolutionary Breakthrough and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944–1965 (Berkeley, 1971)
Kideckel, David. The Solitude of Collectivism: Romanian Villagers to the Revolution and Beyond (Ithaca, 1993)
King, Robert R.A History of the Romanian Communist Party (Stanford, 1980)
Kligman, Gail. The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceauşescu’s Romania (Berkeley, 1998)
Kligman, Gail and Verdery, Katherine. Peasants under Siege: The Collectivization of Romanian Agriculture, 1949–1962 (Princeton, 2011)
Levy, Robert. Ana Pauker: The Rise and Fall of a Jewish Communist (Berkeley, 2001)
Montias, John Michael. Economic Development in Communist Romania (Cambridge, MA, 1967)
Negrici, Eugen. Literature and Propaganda in Communist Romania (Bucharest, 1999)
Shafir, Michael. Romania: Politics, Economics and Society. Political Stagnation and Simulated Change (London, 1985)
Siani-Davies, Peter. The Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (Ithaca, 2005)
Tismaneanu, Vladimir. Stalinism for All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism (Berkeley, 2003)
Verdery, Katherine. National Ideology under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceauşescu’s Romania (Berkeley, 1991)
Gallagher, Tom. Modern Romania: The End of Communism, the Failure of Democratic Reform, and the Theft of a Nation (New York, 2005)
Stan, Lavinia and Turcescu, Lucian. Religion and Politics in Post-Communist Romania (Oxford, 2007)
Verdery, Katherine. The Vanishing Hectare: Property and Value in Postsocialist Transylvania (Ithaca, 2003)


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